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Create a New Personal View

Advanced Search always creates Personal Views or Shared Views. You can also edit these views by selecting the View and clicking the Views/Advanced Search button.
  1. Determine the page you want your view to be on, click the View drop-down list, then click New/Copy View.
  2. Enter a title for your view. This is the name that displays in the View drop-down list.
    Views window with New View selected and Title entered as "Young Adult"
  3. Add the fields you want in your view by double-clicking or dragging and dropping them in the Advanced Search window. Fields with the document icon are in the table associated with your page. The folder icons represent relationships to other tables. Expanding these allows you to add fields from other tables, up to six levels. Columns of your view display in the order in which they descend in the Advanced Search window. To reorder columns, drag and drop into the appropriate location.
    Young Adults View with the fields Display Name, Date of Birth, and Contact Status selected
  4. Views are required to have a filter, which is some criteria that limits the resulting list. To create filters, set comparisons and Search values on the fields you have selected. See SQL Comparisons for more details.
    Young Adults View with field Age selected, Comparison of "Between", and Search Terms "18" and "29"
  5. Click Save.
Your View shows up in the Views drop-down list.