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Page View Fields

The following fields are available in System Setup > Page Views.

View Title
The title of the view. It displays in the Page View drop-down list.
The page this view is associated with.
An optional description.
Field List
The list of fields. Leave this blank to use the defaults for the page.
View Clause
The SQL filter for the view. This is the WHERE clause without the "WHERE" keyword.
Order By
The SQL sort order. This is the ORDER BY clause without the "ORDER BY" keywords. The most efficient way to use this field is to use the field aliases used by your fields. The sort is the last thing applied by the database engine, after all calculations have been made so a comma delimited list of field aliases will sort the results efficiently. To sort reverse-alphabetical or high-to-low, use the DESC keyword after the field alias or name.
If a user is listed, this is a Personal View that is only available to that user.
User Group
If a user group is selected, this is a Shared View that is available to all members of the user group.