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Sub-Page Views

Sub-Page Views appear in Sub-Pages in the rows of tabs. Most of the information regarding Page Views is also true for Sub-Page Views.

Group record on the Participants tab with the View list showing options like Current Participants, Current Leaders, and Past Participants

Creating Sub-Page Views

Personal Views can be created using the Advanced Search Tool. All sub-page views may be managed under System Setup > Sub-Page Views.

Sub-Page Views can only be Global (accessible by all users) or personal, they cannot be assigned to a User Group.

Sub-Page View Fields

The following fields are available in the Sub-Page Views page.

View Title
The title of the View, which appears in sub-page view drop-down list.
Sub Page
The sub-page this view is associated with.
An optional description.
Field List
List of fields. Leave this blank to use the defaults for the Target Page.
View Clause
The SQL filter for the View. This is the WHERE clause without the "WHERE" keyword.
Order By
The SQL sort order. This is the ORDER BY clause without the "ORDER BY" keywords.
If a User is listed, this a Personal View only available to the User.
Messaging View
If True, this View will display in the Recipients List of the New Message Tool.