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Bulk Mail

A brief guide to Bulk Mail options in MinistryPlatform.

Use a Mailing Company

Some churches send their data from MinistryPlatform to the mailing house for two reasons:

  • They haven't integrated pre-sorting.
  • They had a hard time getting volunteers for the fold, stuff, and/or post part of the job.

Use Intelligent Mail from USPS.com

Use the USPS website to prep your mailings. This option allows you to handle bulk mailing without a mailing house or software system. For more information, see Intelligent Mail® for Small Business Mailers (IMsb) on the USPS website.

Manual Presort

This is helpful when you use windowed envelopes where the name and address print on the letter instead of the envelope. Here's an overview of what to do:

  1. Determine several groupings for distribution.
  2. Print statements based on the first several digits of the zip code to get your groupings.
  3. Fold and stuff into envelopes with your bulk mail permit pre-printed on them.
  4. Fill the trays according to zip code groupings, adding the required USPS tag to each tray.
  5. Fill out the with USPS form with totals.
  6. Drop the form and trays off at the bulk mail office of the post office.

Internal Software

Load an export file from MinistryPlatform into your own internal mailing software to generate the labels, tray labels, and pre-sort reports for the USPS. This is not much different from using the USPS.

How MinistryPlatform Can Help

See Prepare Your Data for Bulk Mailing.

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