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Current Lookup Values

Note: Want to change a Lookup Value that isn't listed here? It might be a System Lookup Value. You shouldn't edit System Lookup Values.
Holds all Address information used by Households and Facilities.
Attribute Types
Holds all Attribute Types, which are used to categorize Attributes.
Holds all Attributes. Contacts assigned to a specific Attribute are visible in the People sub-page of an open Attribute.
Used by the Batch Manager Tool. Can be restricted using Global Filter by setting the Accounting Company.
Holds all of the bookmarks that display in the upper right-hand corner of the Platform. Bookmarks are global and available for all Users. We recommend you add bookmarks that help your staff find information applicable to your church (for example, Batch Manager Tool, Check-In, your organization's website, this Help Center, and so on).
Care Types
Used by Care Cases to determine the type of care needed.
Certification Types
Holds your church's certification types, like volunteer requirements, training, or certification courses completed through a third party.
Note: This lays the foundation for some exciting future integrations!
Event Types
Used by the Event page to categorize Events.
Group Activities
This page is deprecated and no longer in use.
Group Attributes
Holds all Group Attribute records linking Groups to their respective Attributes, if applicable.
Group Ended Reasons
Used by the Groups page to record the reason a Group ended.
Group Focuses
Used to help categorize Small Groups. You can filter the Group Finder's URL using these values.
Group Types
Used to categorize Groups. This value is used within many reports, views, and Configuration Settings (we recommend you contact Support before editing these values).
Household Sources
Used within the Household record to identify how a Household first interacted with the church (we recommend you contact Support before editing these values).
Life Stages
Used to categorize Small Groups by a Life Stage. You can filter the Group Finder's URL using these values.
Meeting Durations
Used to set a meeting's length of time. The duration is set in minutes. You can run the Audit Log Search Selected report to view meetings with the specified Meeting Duration.
Opportunity Attributes
Holds all Opportunity Attribute records linking Opportunities to their respective Attributes, if applicable.
Participant Types
Used on the Participant record to identify how a person interacts with the church.
Participation Items
Used by churches who want to track various participant items (for example, children who bring their Bibles).
Print Server
The list of available Print Servers created when the Print Service is installed and verified on a machine. In this context, a "Print Server" is a machine that has the Kiosk Print Service installed, verified, and running.
Service Types
Used by the Service Reservations page.