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Batch Manager Tool - March 2025

Meet the upgraded Batch Manager Tool, complete with pledge batching, memorized donations, and more!

Attention: *EA feature in testing*: This section is under construction while our wonderful Early Adopters try things out!

The BMT's New Look!

We're excited to announce the upgraded Batch Manager Tool! With this enhanced version, you'll notice a more streamlined manual entry process, enhanced privacy controls, quick and efficient processing of pledges, and more to better serve all ministry partners, both Protestant and Catholic.

And while we've upgraded the tool to work better for you, many of the processes you've learned to use the BMT have stayed the same - think new look with new capabilities, same great tool.

Manual Check Entry

  • Good news for our smaller churches - you can now manually enter cash and checks into the Batch Manager Tool!
  • You can enter an item number or check number without having to access the ABA and Account Number fields.
  • We've removed the preview of the check image, account number, and routing number fields. Now you can just enter what you need to enter without the image and fields taking up all your screen space!
  • We've reordered the fields so that they make more sense. Now you'll find your Donor record first, then enter the amount, and then add your donation distribution details and memos. And don't worry, you can still tab through your fields!

Pledge Batching

  • We know that for annual appeals, the pledge amount is just as important as the paid amount. That's why you can now batch pledges in the Batch Manager Tool! Use the Pledges & Donations tab to create a new batch of just pledges or pledges and donations (that's right, you can add donations and pledges into the same batch!). This way, you can add several pledges to your system at once, reducing the time spent entering pledges, and ensuring your bottom line is as accurate and up-to-date as possible.
  • We added a new view to the Pledges page! Meet the Fix: Mismatched Batch Pledge Campaign view. When you create a new pledge and donation batch, MinistryPlatform verifies that the batch's campaign matches the pledge's campaign. Since all the pledges in a batch should go to the same campaign, there may be some errors if the campaigns do not match. Don't worry! Use the new view to review and correct those mismatched pledges.

Memorized Donations

  • Do you have congregants that contribute regularly and reliably? Now you can enter them as memorized donations! Simply use the BMT to create a batch of scheduled donations so you don't need to manually enter repeat donations.
  • Need to review your memorized batches? You'll find them under Contributions > Memorized Batches.
  • We added a new payment type! Meet the Scheduled Check payment type. Normally, you scan your checks into the BMT and it displays the check image and ABA information for checks. But for memorized batches, you don't need to scan checks, and you don't want the check image and ABA information to hold you up. That's where the Scheduled Check payment type comes in to play! Use the Scheduled Check payment type to skip over the check image and ABA information for those memorized batches.

Additional Enhancements

  • You can now filter for batches by searching the batch number, batch name, and batch date. You can even select a date range, if you're not sure the exact date of the batch. This will help you find what you're looking for in record time!
  • At the bottom of your batches, you'll see the batch's expected total (or totals, if you entered pledges and donations), the entered payment total, and the balance. This is just a quick visual to make sure you're on track!

    Image displaying the expected total, actual total, and remaining total of a batch.

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