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Batch Manager Tool - Released June 12-27, 2023

We have enhancements and fixes all across the tool! And no scan service update is needed this time.


  • Payment Types now display in alphabetical order in the drop-down list.
  • Sometimes, if you started a batch then returned to it later, not all distributions were being saved. This could be due to the number of programs, so we modified the query limitations to eliminate this possibility.
  • Fixed an issue where the year was defaulting to 2001 if you created a batch and only entered the month and day for Setup Date.
  • Fixed an issue where the Filter List did not allow partial searches on the Program name.

Imports & Exports

  • *NEW* When importing, you can allow any Program Account Number to match regardless of the Default Campus (Congregation/Parish) or Default Program. This is useful when your import file contains unique Program Account Numbers from multiple congregations/parishes. To do so, select the new option, Import File contains multiple Congregations at the bottom of the window. Clear it if you want the import to only match Program Account Numbers for a specific congregation/parish.

  • Fixed an issue where imported donations were being assigned to the incorrect Program when Program Account Numbers were not unique across parishes. (For example, all parishes might use the same Program Account Number to roll up required reporting.)
    Note: If your Program Account Numbers are not unique, do not select the new option, Import File contains multiple Congregations. The Default Campus (Congregation/Parish) will restrict the Programs available to that Campus when you import the file.
  • We modified the Fed Work Type field to be configurable for ICL files in X937 format.


  • We added the household's congregation/parish in the Donor/Payer drop-down list to help you better identify them.

    Image displaying the Donor Household field.

  • We enhanced the Data Quality Routine to remove any donor accounts with no associated donations. For example, if you select the wrong donor for a donation, the donor account that was created will be deleted once you select the correct donor.
  • Deceased contacts no longer display in the Donor/Payer drop-down list.


  • When a scanner is known to be unavailable, the tool can create manual donation entries equal to the number of items selected. This now happens in the background, so the process is significantly faster than before. And donations are now listed in numerical order within the batch.


  • The error that displays if the wrong scanner was detected is now easier to understand and gives you steps to take to fix the issue.


  • If you change the congregation for a new batch you're creating, the congregation drop-down list under Available Programs automatically changes to match the one you selected.
  • References to "Donation Batch Tool" and "Contributions Processing Tool" have been changed to "Batch Manager Tool" or removed where appropriate in field labels and field help descriptions. We also removed the security roles specific to the Donation Batch Tool since they are not used by the Batch Manager Tool.
  • All application labels for TM.BatchManager have been updated to include translations for Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese. Within the Batch Manager Tool, you can select your preferred language. This preference is retained next time you open the tool.

    Image displaying the language selection drop-down list, with "Espanol" highlighted.


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The technical details: TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 are no longer supported for our services. To use our applications, the browser must be on TLS 1.2 or higher. For this reason, we suggest using the most updated browser version.

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