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Assigning Donors

A list of several ways you can assign donations to a Donor record with the Batch Manager Tool.

Automatic Donor Matching During File Import or Scanning

If the account and routing numbers have been matched to a specific donor (it matches the account and routing number in a donor's Donor Account record), the donor's information displays automatically.

Multiple Matches Found

If more than one Donor record has the same bank account information, review the multiple matches and select the appropriate donor. If you're working with a batch that was just scanned, the Donor field displays Multiple Matches Found!. If you closed the batch after scanning and before assigning donors, click the Match Donors button to bring back the Options drop-down list for any donations with multiple matches.

Click the drop-down list to select from the list of donors who match the bank account information (this is common for a bank "bill pay" checks). Or, once in the Donor field, press the space bar and use the down arrow to select the donor, or enter search terms to filter the matches. If a donor's first name differs from their nickname, both names display to help you select the correct donor.

When multiple matches display, you can't use the address and envelope number fields to search.

No Donor Matched

If a donation has no associated donor, then no donor matched the donation's details (routing or account number or the ID used to match a contact through BankOne.txt importing). Remember, that person can have a Contact record, and not have a Donor record. You can assign a donor using one of the following methods.

Manually Search for a Matching Donor

You can search by name, address, or envelope number to identify a specific donor.

Searching by Name or Address

When a user searches using the Donor Name or Address fields, the search results are grouped by the household of each match. For example, if you search for Aardvark, Aardy, you'll see all members of the Aardvark household. You can quickly see if there are two household members with the same name and select the correct person.

You must type at least three characters to trigger name and address searches. You may abbreviate someone's name (for example, Aard, A to find "Aardvard, Andy"). You may also search for only the first name (for example, ,Andy). You don't need to use wildcard symbols. For example, searching Jon, Jo will return "Jones, John".

No matter the contact status, as long as a donor is in a household, the donor displays in the search results. If a Contact record exists without a Donor record, the Donor record is created when you assign the contact as the donor.

The household name and address are in a gray box. Household members are listed in alphabetical order with a format of last, nickname (first), and their household position under household information. First name is only included if it's different than the nickname. Italicized household members don't currently have a Donor record. Households are separated by a black line. Assign the donation to them to create a Donor record.

Note: You can't update a household's address in the BMT.
Donor information also includes mobile phone and email address, if available.

Once selected, the donor's name, address, and envelope number (if available) display for the donation row.

Searching by Envelope Number

If your church uses envelope numbers, you can use that number to match donors. This search box is slightly different than the other boxes. In the Env field, type the envelope number and tab to the next field. There are two things to consider when assigning and searching by envelope number:

  • Envelope numbers should be unique per donor. We recommend assigning envelope number uniquely by donor. To ensure good data quality, review the Env File-Duplicate Number view regularly to correct duplicate envelope numbers.
  • Envelope numbers can also be unique per donor by congregation. This method utilizes the authenticated user's global filter permissions and/or the batch congregation.

If there is exactly one match, the donor's information displays automatically. If the search does not match, no donor matches and the New Donor dialog box appears. Add a new donor or search by the donor's name or address using this dialog box.

Matching when Multiple Donors share an Envelope Number and Global Filters are applied:
  • If the donor's congregation aligns with currently authenticated user's global filters, this donor is selected.
  • If multiple donors align within the currently authenticated user's global filters, the donor whose congregation matches the batch's congregation is selected.
  • If multiple donors align with the currently authenticated user's global filters and the batch's congregation, the donor with lowest donor ID is selected.
Matching when Multiple Donors share an Envelope Number and Global Filters are NOT applied:
  • If there are multiple matches for an envelope number and the currently authenticated user does not have global filters applied, the donor with the lower donor ID is selected.

Search by Account and Routing Number

If the OCR can't read a check's MICR or you have the account and routing numbers details for a donor, you can search for donors using their account and routing numbers. The system matches donors from this information based on their Donor Account record in the Platform. You are required to have both the account and routing numbers to perform this search.
  1. On the donation row, click the routing or account field to open the Edit MICR Data dialog.
  2. Enter the routing number as an ABA field.
  3. Enter the account number in the Account field.
    Note: To speed data entry, you can enter the routing and account number for multiple donation rows before clicking Match Donors. This matches all entered donors at once.
  4. Optional: Enter the item number.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Match Donors.
    If one match is found, that donor is assigned.
  7. If the information matches multiple donors, use the Multiple Matches Found drop-down list to select the donor.

Donor Details

Donor Notes

Permanent donor notes display next to the +Add button on the Donation record. These notes are from the Notes field on the Donor record in the Platform. This is a good place to put details that might help data entry. For example, "Bob has an adult son Bobby who lives with them. Ensure the right Bob is credited" or "Sandy always forgets to mark that she wants $50 to go to the building fund".

Image displaying an example donor note that reads "George always wants 50% of his gift to go towards missions even though he often forgets to specify on his envelope." in the field to the right of the green Add button.

Donor Notes (Memo)

Donation notes are specific to the donation. Add a donor note using the Memo field located under the amount on the Donation record. Use these notes to note something without slowing down processing. These notes save in the Donation record in the Platform. You can run the Selected Batch Notes report after processing to follow up or update. For example, "Possible New Address: 123 Main St, Central, MO" or "Memo mentioned pledge, but donor has no pledges set up".

To view donation notes you created in the memo field, create a page view on the Donations page or use the Selected Batch Notes report on the Batches page.

Image displaying an example donor note memo that reads "Request info about upcoming FPU course" in the field below the green Add button.

Donor History

To see donor history to help assign or distribute a donation, click the icon in the Dist (Distributed) field of the donation record. Donor history includes dates, amounts, and/or programs. History displays the past five donations, including distribution details and item number, excluding those in unfinalized batches.

Note: This icon and/or the related donor history is controlled by the BMT, DonorHistoryVisibility configuration setting.

Image displaying the donor history in the dist column.

Image displaying example donor history for Generous George. The history includes the date, total amount, and amounts broken out by program.

Donor Matching

When scanning checks in the BMT, many donors are automatically assigned their donations. The following flow chart describes how the system matches donors to a scanned donation.

Image displaying the donor matching flow chart.

Donor Matching Fields

The person making the donation and receiving tax-credit.
The tax-deductible gift made to the church.
Donor Account
The record containing the account and routing number from scanned MICR that helps identify the donor. One donor might have multiple donor accounts (gives using multiple or changing check MICR) or a donor account might be shared among many donors (as with bank and bill pay checks).