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Add or Edit Donations Manually

Manage donations manually in the Donations list.

Important: You can only save changes to a Donation if you move to a new Donation row or finalize the Batch. If you make a change and then close the Batch, close your browser, or view the Batch Summary report, the tool does not save changes to the last Donation row you edited.
  1. Click Add.
    Note: Use a check scanner to speed up data entry. To add a Donation using a keyboard shortcut, click Ctrl ~.
  2. Enter the Donation details.
  3. With your cursor in the field, clear out the entered text and add the appropriate details. The Batch Manager Tool automatically saves all changes.
  4. To delete a Donation added in error, click the X icon on the far right of the Donation record.
    Note: If you don't see this icon, click Ctrl - to reduce your screen's zoom.