Memorized Donations
Learn more about creating memorized batches and scheduled donations in MinistryPlatform.
Do you have congregants that contribute regularly and reliably? You can enter those repeat contributions as memorized donations!
Simply create a memorized batch in the Platform, then use Batch Manager Tool (BMT) to add donations to the memorized batch. Those donations will display back in MinistryPlatform under the batch's Scheduled Donations tab, and you can finish finalizing and processing your batch in the BMT.
Normally, you scan your checks into the BMT and it displays the check image and ABA information for checks. But for memorized batches, you don't need to scan checks, and you don't want the check image and ABA information to hold you up. That's where the Scheduled Check payment type comes in to play! Use this payment type to skip over the check image and ABA information for those memorized batches.