Logging In to Batch Manager Tool
Batch Manager Tool is hosted on our shared server, but it is directly connected to your MinistryPlatform system no matter what server it lives on.
Self Hosted Churches
If you are a Self Hosted Church, configure the Batch Manager Tool URL as follows:
https://<your church name>.ministryplatform.cloud/batchmanager
For example, if your Platform URL is https://example-church.minstryplatform.net/mp, your Batch Manager Tool URL is: https://example-church.cloudapps.ministryplatform.cloud/batchmanager
Shared (Higher Ground) Hosted Churches
If you are a Shared Hosting Church, configure the Batch Manager Tool URL as follows:
https://<your church name>.ministryplatform.cloud/batchmanager
For example, if your Platform URL is https://example-church.minstryplatform.net/mp, your Batch Manager Tool URL is: https://example-church.cloudapps.ministryplatform.cloud/batchmanager
Platform vs. BMT Login
Use the Platform for login authentication for the BMT. If you log in to the Platform and then go to the BMT (or click Proceed to Login) within the same browser session, you're logged in to the BMT. Log in or out of one to log in or out of the other.
- Latest Version of Google Chrome
- Latest Version of Mozilla Firefox (regular, not ESR)
- Latest Version of Microsoft Edge
- Latest version of Macintosh Safari