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Sacrament/Ordinance Setup

Enable sacraments/ordinances to track on individual profiles.

Sacraments are vital to the Catholic faith. Likewise, ordinances are important in many Protestant denominations. Depending on your denomination, you will see "Sacraments" or "Ordinances" by default.

You can rename the tab to display the term your church uses, such as "Celebrations", "Milestones", or "Rites". You can also customize the name of each sacrament/ordinance you enable.

A few defaults are set up, depending on your denomination, to get you started. However, you can enable or disable any of the sacraments/ordinances to fit your needs.

Once you set up the information you want to track, you can begin recording sacraments on profiles.

Set up Sacraments/Ordinances

Set up which milestones show up on profiles.

  • To set up sacraments/ordinances, you must be an administrator with all user rights. Users with the Edit Individual permission can edit sacrament/ordinance information on a profile. Users with the View Details for Individuals permission will be able to see but not edit it.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Profiles > Settings.
  2. Click the Sacraments or Ordinances tab.
  3. If you want any word other than the default "Sacraments" or "Ordinances" to display for the tab on profiles, enter it in the field on the right side of the page. Click Save.
  4. For any sacraments/ordinances you do not want to record, click the ellipsis icon, and select Disable. Those will move to the Disabled tab.
  5. Next to each sacrament/ordinance you want to track, click the ellipsis icon, and select Edit.
    1. To customize what the sacrament/ordinance is called, enter the name you want to use. This name will display throughout Realm. Be sure the meaning of the name you enter is similar to the original sacrament/ordinance since its function remains the same.
    2. Review all the options, and make selections based on the information you want to collect for individuals. Click Save.
  6. Click the Disabled tab, and review the fields. If you want to record any of these on profiles, click the ellipsis icon, and select Enable. Those will move to the Enabled tab.

All enabled fields display on the tab in profiles, where sacrament/ordinance records can be added, viewed, and edited by users with permissions.

Now, you can begin recording sacraments/ordinances. If you've been recording sacraments or ordinances in custom profile fields, you can move them to the Sacraments/Ordinances tab automatically.

Move Old Sacraments/Ordinances

Pull in previous Realm sacrament or ordinance records.

If you've you been tracking your congregants' sacrament/ordinance information using custom fields, it's a good idea to move that data to each individual's Sacraments/Ordinances tab.

If you haven't set up them in Realm, you'll need to do that first, then return to this page.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Profiles > Settings.
  2. Click the Sacraments or Ordinances tab. It might have a different name if your church has customized it.
  3. Click Move Profile Data.
  4. Read the information about this process, then click Continue.
  5. Match the fields used by the Sacraments/Ordinances tab in Realm to those profile fields you previously used to collect the same information. Only matching field types will be displayed.
    For example, next to Sponsors –a text field on the Sacraments/Ordinances tab– the drop-down list only displays profile text fields. If you've been collecting Sponsors using any other field type, you will not be able to select it.
    Note: Don't worry if you do not make a match for every field. Simply continue with the process using the matches you have. You can always make changes later and run the process again, or enter the data manually on the Sacraments/Ordinances tab.
  6. Click Next as you finish each sacrament/ordinance.
  7. After the last one, a Review page displays. If you're satisfied with the changes, click Move Profile Data.

You'll be notified on the Tasks page when the data has been moved.

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