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Window Size

You can adjust your program's window size to accommodate your monitor. Click and drag the corners of the program, or click the My Settings icon blue outline of computer monitor on the Quick Access toolbar to specify a size:
  • Adjust for Non-standard DPI—Adjusts the height to make the windows fit on your screen. For this change to take effect, you must exit and restart the program.
    Tip: Select this option if you're having trouble viewing the entire program on your monitor.
  • Set to Minimum Size—Reduces the screen resolution to 640 x 480 or the minimum size your monitor fits.
  • Set to Maximum Size—Enlarges the screen resolution to the maximum size your monitor fits.
  • Set to 800 x 535—Sets the program window size to 800 pixels by 535 pixels, suitable for many smaller monitors.
  • Set to 1024 x 640—Sets the program window size to 1024 pixels by 640 pixels, suitable for many larger monitors.

You can also set the size of text used in windows throughout the program to Default, 10% Larger Font, or 20% Larger Font. Select a larger option for easier readability.

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