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Choose Which Window Shows First

You can choose which window shows first when you go to certain areas of the program. For example, you may prefer to see an overview of each family record but see a listing of all your personnel records.

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click the My Settings icon blue outline of computer monitor.
    Note: If the icon isn't visible on the Quick Access toolbar, click the down arrow arrow pointing down with line over top and select My Settings.
  2. Click the Other Screens tab.
  3. For each area of the program, select which window you want to see first.
    Note: Remember, you can still get to all of these windows in the navigation menu. The window you select here is just the one that displays first when you go to that area.
  4. Click Save/OK.

Alternatively, you can set this option per area by clicking the gear icon black gear with hole in the middle in the top-right corner of any of these windows.

thumb_upYes thumb_downNo