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View/Edit Someone's Privacy Settings

Registered users of your Realm site can view and manage their own privacy settings. But there might be times when you need to do it for them.

To view a user's privacy settings, you must have the Edit Individual permission set to Allow in your list of responsibilities. If an administrator marks information, such as emails or phone numbers, as visible to users, the View Details for Individuals permission must be set to Allow in order for the user to view the information.

See Responsibilities for more information.

  1. Locate and open the user's profile.
  2. Click to the privacy icon padlock icon with the word Privacy.
  3. A detailed list of settings opens.
    For people without a login, the check box Opt in to Online Directory is visible. If selected, this individual's profile is searchable by others in Realm, even if he or she never creates a login.
  4. Select one of the options to apply that setting to all information on the profile, or click Custom Privacy to select a setting for each field.
  5. Other members in this person's family display on the left. Click each family member's name, and select a privacy option.
  6. Click Save.