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Invite Only and Invite + Realm Account Sign Up Requests Models

Adding people by invite only is the most secure method of inviting people to use Realm.

The Invite Only model provides you with the most oversight. With invite only, congregants can join Realm only by invitation sent from authorized users. With Invite + Realm Account Sign Up Requests, individuals can also send a request to create a new account.

An administrator must approve or decline congregant profile requests from the Task page. Invite only is the default setting, and we recommend that you keep this setting until you have the opportunity to educate your congregants about privacy settings.

Since only users with a login can enter, any new users of your site must first be issued an invitation. To invite congregants into Realm, an administrator, a group leader, or a servant team leader with the correct permissions will need to send invitations. There are a number of ways to send invitations.

  • When adding a new profile
  • From reporting dashboards
  • From pathways
  • Via groups
  • By query and mass invitation