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Listing Layout Settings

When you select a listing report, you'll see the Report Overview and Select Printer windows, then the Listing Layout window follows.

Use the options in this window to change the page and margin styles. You can also select which fields to print and modify the way they print.

Set the Page Style

You can select the layout and fonts for a report. To select a page style, click the Style Name drop-down list. Insert new page styles and change or delete existing ones. If an existing style name changes, the change applies to all reports using it. Each page style name must be unique.

  1. In the Listing Layout window, under Page Style, click Edit Style.
  2. To insert a new style, click Insert Style. To edit an existing style, select a style name.
  3. If you insert a new style, on the General Information tab, enter a unique name in the Style Name field. Click the drop-down list to select the page number position, today's date, and the note position.
  4. To change the fonts used in the report, on the Fonts tab, click Set Font for title, heading, detail, and/or date/page.
  5. You can add horizontal and vertical lines, double-spacing, and shading to a style, if you want to. On the Lines and Shading tab, select to use:
    • Horizontal Lines—Prints a line after each family, member, or fund.
    • Vertical Lines—Prints a line on the left and right sides, separating each column.
    • Double Space—Inserts an extra line between each family, member, or fund.
    • Gray Heading—Shades the headings area.
    • Gray Alt. Bands—Alternates light gray and white rows.
  6. To save your settings, click Save/OK. If you edit an existing style, all reports currently using this style will change. To save the style as a new style name so existing reports are not affected, enter the new style name, and click Save As.

Set the Margin Style

You can set the margins for the report. Insert new margin styles, and change or delete existing ones. If an existing style changes, the changed style applies to all reports using it. Each margin style name must be unique.

  1. In the Layout window, under Margin Style, click Edit Style.
  2. To insert a new style, click Insert Style. To edit an existing style, select a style name.
  3. If you insert a new style, enter a unique name in the Style Name field.
  4. Enter or edit the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
    Note: Enter a margin setting of 0.000 to print at the smallest margin for the printer selected.
  5. To save your settings, click Save/OK. If you edit an existing style, all reports currently using this style will change. To save the style as a new style name so existing reports are not affected, enter the new style name, and click Save As.

Modify the List of Fields to Print

The Modify the List of Fields to Print button is only available when you add or copy a listing report. The List of Fields to Print dialog box opens automatically when you add a new listing report.

  1. In the Listing Layout window, click Modify the List of Fields to Print.
  2. Under Fields Available to Print, select a field name, and click the right arrow button to move it. To remove a field name, select its name, and click the left arrow button to return it to "Fields available to print".
    Note: You can also double-click the field names to move them under "Fields you want to print", or click the field name and drag it into "Fields you want to print".
  3. To rearrange the field names under Fields You Want to Print, select a field name, and click the up and down arrow buttons to reorder the columns. Or, you can drag and drop the field names to rearrange them.
  4. To set the print location of each field name, select the field in "Fields you want to print". Then, under Properties of the Field Selected Above, select a position from the drop-down list.
  5. To adjust the width of the column, edit the number in the Width field.
  6. In the Heading field, enter a title for the selected field name. To create two-line headings, enter the first line, and press Ctrl + Enter.
  7. To print a label in each field of the selected column, enter text in the Left Label field.
  8. By default, a blank line prints after each list item. To print the list without blank lines, select Try to Merge Lines Together.
  9. To save your changes, click Save/OK.

Add Custom Fields in Listings

You may want to display certain information in a listing report. But what if a field doesn't exist in your program that contains that information? Here's your answer!

  • We recommend that you have a basic understanding of programming code logic. However, we do provide common examples that you can copy in the program. You can use an example as-is or edit the code for your purposes.
  • ACST phone support is not available for this feature.

In a listing report, you can add a custom field based on a calculation or code. For example, your report may have two columns that contain numbers, and you want a third column to show the sum of those numbers. If there isn't already a field for the sum, you can create a custom field with that calculation.

  1. Copy an existing listing report, or add a new one.
  2. In the Listing Layout window, click Modify the List of Fields to Print.
  3. Add any necessary predefined fields from the Fields available to print section.
  4. Click Add / Edit / Manage Custom Fields.
    1. To add a field, click Add Custom Field.
    2. If you know the calculation you want to use, enter the code in the Custom Field Calculation section. Use the Data Fields on the left to insert code for an existing field.
    3. Otherwise, to start with or use example code, click Show Examples. Review the Examples, Simple Code, Calculations, Statements, and Tables to find what you need. Click the blue code in the example to paste it into the Custom Field Calculation section. You can edit the code further, if needed.
    4. For Field Name at the top, change the default to a meaningful name that describes the field's purpose. This will make it easier to recognize in the field list.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Click Check For Syntax Errors to make sure your code does not contain syntax errors.
    7. Repeat these steps to add additional custom fields as needed.
    8. When you're finished, click Close.
  5. In the List of Fields to Print, edit the properties of your new field(s).
    1. Select the custom field in the Fields you want to print section.
    2. For Position and its related options, select how you want your field to display.
    3. If your custom field is in a new column, enter the Heading that displays at the top.
    4. If you want certain text to display in each row to the left of your field, enter it in Left Label.
    5. Click Save/Ok.
  6. Preview your report to ensure the custom field displays as expected.
  7. You can also use your new custom fields in Additional Selections for this listing report.
    Note: Custom fields are only available for use in the listing report where you defined them.
  8. Run your report.

Watch & Learn

Custom Fields in Listings: Part 1

Learn how to add custom fields in a listing report, and see examples.

17 min 22 sec

Custom Fields in Listings: Part 2

Learn more about custom fields and how to troubleshoot them in your listing report.

13 min 42 sec

Custom Fields in Listings: Part 3 (Advanced)

Review more advanced examples of custom fields in listing reports.

7 min 28 sec

Report Layout Field Information

How Addr. Should be Handled
If the report includes addresses, you can select which address to print on the report.
  • Use the Street, Mailing, or Alternate Address—If selected, the active alternate address prints first. If there's no active alternate address, the mailing address prints. If there's no mailing address, the street address prints.
  • Use the Street or Mailing—If selected, the mailing address prints first. If there's no mailing address, the street address prints.
Date Used in Checking for Alt. Addr. Calculation and Other Date Calculations
When you select Use the Street, Mailing, or Alternate Address, enter the date you expect the correspondence to be mailed. The date entered in this field determines if an alternate address is used instead of the mailing or street address. For example, if an individual lives at the coast during the months of June and July, the correspondence needs to go to the alternate address during those months. If the current date falls outside this time period, the correspondence goes to the individual's mailing or street address.
How Unlisted Phone Numbers Should be Handled
If the report includes unlisted phone numbers, you can select how it prints them.
  • Print the Unlisted Numbers—Prints unlisted numbers. You might select this when printing inter-office lists where unlisted phone numbers should display.
  • Print Unlisted Numbers as X's—Indicates that unlisted phone numbers are known, but prints as "(XXX) XXX-XXXX". Listed numbers print as entered.
How Unlisted Email Addresses Should be Handled
If the report includes unlisted email addresses, you can select how it prints them.
  • Print the Unlisted Email—Prints unlisted email addresses. You might select this when printing inter-office lists where unlisted emails should display.
  • Print Unlisted Email as X's—Indicates that the email address is known, but prints fully-masked. For example: XXXXX@XXXXX.XXX. Listed email addresses print as entered.
Note: Some reports do not allow you to change the unlisted options.
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