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Display Colored Background or Text on Calendars

You can designate background or text colors for event calendars, events, special days/holidays, and facilities. This is a good way to make certain events or facilities stand out on calendars.

These colors print on all calendar reports and display on the program calendars.

Add Default Display Options for Event Calendars

  1. On the File menu, click Setup > Event Calendars.
  2. For each calendar you want to customize, select a default color for background or text.
  3. Select a default font style.
  4. Click Save/OK.

Add Default Display Options for a Scheduled Event

Tip: You can select colors for an event when you add it in the scheduling process.
  1. On the Information tab, click Events. Locate the appropriate record.
  2. Under Calendar Colors, select a default color for background or text.
  3. Select a default font style.
  4. Select whether to print the colors in banners.
  5. Verify that the sample is the way you want the event to display on calendars.
  6. At the top, click Save.

Add Default Display Options for a Special Day or Holiday

  1. On the Administration tab, click Special Days & Holidays.
  2. Select the special day or holiday in the list.
You can display the special day/holiday in a banner. This helps it stand out when viewing calendars. For example:

Example of a banner displaying on the calendar for a holiday

  1. Under Print in Color, select whether to print the colors in banners.
  2. Select a color for background or text.
  3. Select a font style.
  4. Verify that the sample is the way you want the special day/holiday to display on calendars.
  5. At the top, click Save.
You can mark the date in a Special Days Color of your choice that indicates it is a special day or holiday. This lets you know the date is special when scheduling events. For example:

Example of the blue colored background displaying on the calendar for a holiday

  1. Under On Screen Calendars, select Mark in Color on Calendars if you want to display the Special Days Color on calendars for this special day/holiday.
  2. To set color for multiple days at a time, click Mark/Clear Color for All Days, then select or clear the dates as needed. When you're finished, click Save/OK.
  3. At the top, click Save.

Add Default Display Options for a Facility

  1. On the Information tab, click Facilities. Locate the appropriate record.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Default Color.
  3. Select a default color for background or text.
  4. Select a default font style.
  5. Verify that the sample is the way you want the facility to display on calendars.
  6. At the top, click Save.

Set Colors for Weekend, Special Days, and Selected Date

  1. On the Administration tab, click Special Days & Holidays.
  2. In the top right of the window, select a predefined option from the drop-down list or click the color picker icon paint palette to choose a color. You can set colors for:
    • Weekend Color: This color indicates Saturdays and Sundays on some calendars. Note that the color for scheduled days may override this color on some calendars. In the following example, teal was selected for Weekend Color.

    • Special Days Color: This color indicates special days that you've added in the Special Days & Holidays window and set with the Mark in Color on Calendars option. In the following example, fuchsia was selected for Special Days Color.

    • Selected Date Color: This color indicates a date when something is scheduled. In the following example, gray was selected for Selected Date Color. You can see that something is scheduled every day except April 2.

  3. At the top, click Save.