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Event Approval

  • At the very least, an Event Approval Process is required in order to display events in Widgets and/or in the PocketPlatform app. In addition, an Event Approval Process can be handy in ensuring someone reviews the registration setup or the reservations associated with an event.
  • Your instance of MinistryPlatform came installed with an Event Approval Process to handle Event approval workflow each time a new event is created. Specifically:
    • When an event is created that has a Start Date in the future, the user who created the event must submit the event. A "Submit" button displays at the top of the Event record upon saving.
    • The designated approver of Events then reviews and, as appropriate, approves the event.
    • Upon approval, the Event record is updated with Approved set to Yes.
  • A SPoC can modify the built-in Event Approval Process as needed. Go to Administration > Processes > Event Approval, and update the appropriate record.
Setup Options

Event approval can be set up to have static or dynamic approvers:

  • Static: A single person approves Events (theirs is the User account indicated in the Process Steps), OR
  • Dynamic: Someone associated with the Event such as the Primary Contact or the Congregation's Primary Contact.

You can set this up on the Get Approval process step.

Set the Event Approval Requirement

If needed, a SPoC can remove the requirement for a user to manually approve all events or certain ones.

Other Setup Options:

If there are support service or room reservation requirements, you may want to turn on those processes as well. See Event Room Approval for more information.

In certain cases, it may be important enough to ensure that a support service or room requirement is approved before the Event appears online. In those cases, you may want to add a step to gain that approval to your Event Approval Process.

Auto-Approve All Events

You can disable the approval Processes for all events by removing the steps from the Event Approval record.
  1. Go to Administration > Processes, and open the Event Approval record.
  2. On the General tab:
    1. Make sure On Submit is set to "_Approved=0,_Web_Approved=0".
    2. Make sure On Complete is set to "_Approved=1._Web_Approved=1".
  3. On the Steps tab, select all the steps.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Delete.
  5. Click Save.

Auto-Approve in Certain Cases

You can remove the need for approval in certain situations. This should be completed by a SPoC or someone with SQL expertise.
  1. Go to Administration > Processes, and open the Event Approval record.
  2. On the General tab:
    1. Make sure On Submit is set to "_Approved=0,_Web_Approved=0".
    2. Make sure On Complete is set to "_Approved=1,_Web_Approved=1".
  3. Edit the record, and add one of the following to the Dependent Condition field:
    1. To auto approve all events for a specific Event Primary Contact, add "Events.Primary_Contact <> {id}".
    2. To auto approve all events for a specific Event Type, add "Events.Event_Type_ID <> {id}".
    3. To require approval for a specific Event Type and auto approve all other types, add "Events.Event_Type_ID = {id}".
  4. Click Save.