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Melissa Data SmartMover Address Validation

Note: This integration replaces the Address Validation Core Tool and provides the recommended best practices for continuity.

Melissa Data SmartMover is one service that runs on two schedules, nightly and monthly. No matter which schedule you use, all submitted records are evaluated the same way. The difference is which records go to Melissa Data SmartMover for review.

How It Works

Every time you submit a Contact record to the Melissa Data SmartMover service, the first question is whether the contact has a Change of Address Notification form.

  • If they haven't submitted a COA Notification form, the associated Address record validates.
    • If the address is valid, the Address record updates. The Validated field sets to Yes, the Last Validation Attempt date is added, and additional information is added to meet USPS standards and CASS certification. See the Nightly Schedule for all the details.
    • If the address record is not valid, it is added to the Fix: Address Validation Unsuccessful view on the Addresses page so you can correct it. The address will not resubmit for validation until it has been updated.
  • If they submitted a COA Notification form:
    • The information adds to the Notification workflow so you can review and update it.
    • The old address does not validate.
    • When you add a new address, it validates that night.

Submitted Records

  • With the nightly schedule, only Contact records associated with eligible addresses are submitted to Melissa Data SmartMover for review. Because (after the first night) these addresses are new to your system:
    1. It will be a smaller data set, and
    2. There should be few (if any) change of address notifications. While the nightly schedule also checks for address changes, the results returned are primarily validations.
  • With the monthly schedule, all Contact records associated with all addresses are submitted to Melissa Data SmartMover to determine whether any contacts submitted a Change of Address Notification form. This returns a larger data set, and the results include both validated addresses and change of address notifications. While the monthly schedule also validates addresses, the results returned are primarily address changes.
Note: Any time this service runs (nightly or monthly), it returns both address validation and change of address notification data. Because it evaluates both address validation and change of address notifications, the Melissa Data SmartMover Service evaluates the Contact records associated with eligible addresses, not just the Address records. That's how it knows whether an individual filled out a Change of Address Notification form.

Also, Melissa Data SmartMover does NOT geocode address records, meaning it doesn't add the latitude and longitude.

Ready to Get Started?

First, you'll need to set up an account and integration. Then, you can choose the schedule(s) that are right for you!

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