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Integration Setup

  • You must have an account with Melissa Data SmartMover to configure this integration.
  • See the Melissa Data SmartMover Pricing page.
  1. Set up an account with Melissa Data SmartMover. You can contact michelle.oliver@melissa.com to get started. Be sure to request the Melissa Data SmartMover Service.
  2. As part of your setup process, you'll receive a Melissa Data SmartMover Representative.
  3. You'll also receive an email with your License key. Make sure you add this to your Domain record in the Platform:
    1. In the navigation menu, click System Setup > Domains/Accounts.
    2. Open the appropriate Domain record, and click Edit Record.
    3. Copy your License key from the email, and paste it into the Melissa License Key field.
    4. Click Save.
  4. If you are self-hosted: Ask your Server Provider to enable cipher TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 on IIS Crypto (or whatever they use for managing cipher suites). This is required for a successful handshake with Melissa Data SmartMover.
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