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Melissa Data SmartMover Nightly Schedule

Note: Melissa Data SmartMover is one service on two schedules. No matter which schedule you use, all submitted records are evaluated the same way. The difference is which records submit to Melissa Data SmartMover for review. With the nightly schedule, Contact records associated with unvalidated addresses submit to Melissa Data SmartMover for review. Because (after the first night) these addresses are new to your system:
  1. It is a smaller data set; and
  2. There are few (if any) change of address notifications.

Learn all about the SmartMover service so you can pick the schedule that's right for your church!

The night after the initial configuration, Melissa Data SmartMover checks all Contact records associated with eligible addresses. Why Contact records and not Address records? Because the Melissa Data SmartMover service first evaluates whether an individual (AKA Contact) submitted a Change of Address Notification form. If not, the address associated with that Contact submits for validation. To be eligible:

  • The Address must be associated with at least one Household.
  • The Validated field on the Address record must be No or N/A.
  • The Do Not Validate field on the Address record must be No.
Melissa Data SmartMover Verifies validation verifies addresses in your system to ensure they:
  1. Are actual addresses; and
  2. Meet United States Postal Service addressing standards.

Even better? If the address doesn't meet USPS standards, it automatically updates so everything is updated when it comes time to send out a snail-mail campaign.

  • This integration requires a Melissa Data SmartMover Account. Contact michelle.oliver@melissa.com to get started. Let them know you need to sign up for the Melissa Data SmartMover service.
  • Addresses validate based on the Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS).
  • After the initial validation, only new or updated addresses validate overnight.
  • If the address is valid:
    • The Validated field on the address record is set to Yes.
    • The validation date is added to the Last Validation Attempt field on the address record.
    • The address record updates to meet USPS standards.
      • For example, "Street" updates to "St", "Road" updates to "Rd", "Court" updates to "Ct", and so on.
      • The Carried Route field on the Address record populates.
      • The Delivery Point Check Digit field on the Address record populates.
      • It can move an apartment (unit, suite, and so on) number from Address Line 2 to Address Line 1.
      • The address does not revalidate unless it is updated.
  • If validation fails:

    • The Do Not Validate field on the Address record sets to Yes. This ensures that the Contacts related to the invalid address don't resubmit to Melissa Data SmartMover until the address updates.
    • The Validated field on the Address record sets to No.
    • The date you attempted to validate is added to the Last Validation Attempt field on the Address record.
    • The address displays in the Fix: Address Validation Unsuccessful Fix View on the Addresses page so you can correct it.
      Tip: Set up a notification so you know when an address fails verification.
    • The address does not revalidate until it is updated. When the address record is updated:
      • The Validated field is set to No.
      • The address validates through Melissa Data SmartMover that night.
  • You can use this feature without using the monthly schedule.
Note: Melissa Data SmartMover validates United States addresses. If an Address doesn't have a Country Code, the default is "US".
Tip: If you have non-stateside addresses, carefully mass assign the appropriate Country Code before you run address validation for the first time.
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