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Pledge Batch Fields

The person making the pledge.
Pledge Campaign
The pledge campaign this pledge goes to.
Pledge Status
The status of the pledge.
  • If it is Active, the pledge is still ongoing.
  • If it is Completed, the pledge has been fulfilled.
  • If it is Discontinued, the pledge was completed before meeting the total pledge amount.
  • If it is Pending, the pledge is still being processed.
Total Pledge
The total amount being pledged.
Installments Planned
The number of times planned for this donation to occur. This will be a number 1-12. For example, if your donor plans to break their pledge into four different payments, you'll enter 4 in this field.
Installments Per Year
The number of times per year this donation occurs.
Installment Amount
The amount of money per installment for this donation.
First Installment Date
The date the first installment of this donation was made.
Any additional comments about this pledge.
Gift Frequency
How often the donor plans to give this contribution, such as monthly, weekly, and so on.
Donation Source
How you received this donor's pledge, such as in person, a pew card, online, and so on.
Last Installment Date
The most recent payment of this donation.
The batch that this donation is a part of.
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