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Create a Pledge Batch

Use the Batch Manager Tool (BMT) to add a batch of pledges or pledges and donations.

  • You must have the Batch Manager Pledges security role to do this.
  1. In the BMT, click the Pledges & Donations tab.
  2. Click New Batch.
  3. Enter the batch information.
    Note: Any default information is from those related records in the Platform.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Open the new batch.
  6. Click the Other tab.
  7. Enter your pledges.
    The BMT automatically calculates the installment donation amount for this pledge.
  8. Optional: To enter a pledge's initial donation, complete the Donation and Ref # fields.
  9. Click Add.
  10. Repeat this process until you've entered all the pledges and donations for your batch.
The following happens back in the Platform:
  • This creates a batch record in Contributions > Batches.
  • This creates a donation record in Contributions > Donations.
  • This creates a donation distribution record in Contributions > Donation Distributions.
  • If you created an initial donation for a pledge, this creates a pledge record in Contributions > Pledges.
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