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Online Giving Import using the BMT

The ParishSoft import supports the "ConnectNow" CSV file format provided by ParishSoft and other third parties like Vanco.


  • You can match Customer IDs to the Envelope No field of a MinistryPlatform Donor. Any Donor you want to match must have an Envelope Number prior to import. When there is a match during import, the Donation is assigned to the Donor with that Envelope Number.
    Tip: If the BMT doesn't assign the Donor to the correct envelope number, confirm the Envelope Number matches the Customer ID in the file.
  • You can match Fund IDs to the Account Number field of a MinistryPlatform Program. This value should be no more than five alphanumeric characters. Programs should correspond to Fund IDs prior to import. When there is a match during import, the Donation Distribution will have the specified Program.