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Format Your CSV File for Importing

Guidance on preparing a CSV file from a third party for importing into the Batch Manager Tool, including editing your CSV file and instructions to import and finalize your batch.

You may work with a third party to collect donations. If the result of your process is a CSV file, you can import those donations into MinistryPlatform using the Batch Manager Tool. But first, make sure you formatted your CSV file correctly for a smooth and successful import.

Here's what you'll do:

  • Save the CSV file in your third-party solution, noting all transactions that you need to import into MinistryPlatform.
  • Edit the CSV file to match the format that MinistryPlatform requires.
  • Import and finalize your batch using the Batch Manager Tool.
Important: With the Batch Manager Tool, you can import more than 1,000 records at a time, but the tool only shows 1,000 records at a time. Because the balance tabulates based on the displayed records, not the imported records, your calculations will be incorrect. Be sure to limit your imports to 1,000 records or fewer.

Edit Your CSV File

  1. Open the saved CSV file in your favorite CSV editor, such as Excel or Google Sheets.
  2. If your file includes a header row that describes the data in each column, remove it.
  3. Insert a row at the top, and enter the following:
    1. In row 1 column A, enter H.
    2. In row 1 column B, enter 1656.
    3. In row 1 column C, enter 2.
  4. Rearrange your data columns to match the following:
    1. Column A should list the payment type.
    2. Column B should list the donor number or envelope number.
    3. Column C should list the donation amount.
    4. Column D should list the date donations were paid.
    5. Column E should list the account number found in program records.
  5. For all transaction rows, enter C in column A, and make sure it's capitalized. This stands for charge or credit card.
  6. In the last, below your final transaction row, enter F in column A. All columns after this should be empty.
  7. Ensure that there are no dollar signs on any amounts and that your dates are formatted as M/DD/YYYY.
    Your file should look similar to this:

    Example of a spreadsheet with Column A showing H, C, C, C, F in respective rows; Column B showing 1656, 904, 4285, and 3903; Column C showing 2, 50, 10, and 20; Column D showing nothing in the first row, 5/11, 5/18, and 5/18; and Column E showing nothing in the first row, 3, 1, and 3

  8. Save your CSV file.
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