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BMT Settings

Edit the following Configuration Settings in the Platform and control various aspects of Batch Manager Tool's behavior.

BMT, BatchEntryTypeID
The ID of the Batch Entry Type used when creating new Batches from the Batch Manager Tool. See: Creating Batches, Batches.
BMT, CompanyHouseholdPositionID
The ID of the Household Position used when creating a new Donor that is a Company.
BMT, DefaultPaymentTypeID
The ID of the PaymentType used when importing Batches into the Batch Manager Tool.
BMT, DonorHistoryVisibility
Zero (0) means hide for all users , one (1) means show to admin users only, and two (2) means show to all users.
BMT, HideBankAndBranch
Set to false if the church or organization needs to assign bank name to Donations.
BMT, HouseholdSourceID
(17 means Donation Processing Tool) Use this if a new Household is created through the application that uses this value.
BMT, PrependAccountNumber
Use True to precedes the account number in the Programs drop-down list. Use False to omit the Account number.
BMT, RemitPlusDecryptionIV
This value should only be edited by a TM staff when installing and configuring RemitPlus.
BMT, RemitPlusDecryptionKey
This value should only be edited by a TM staff when installing and configuring RemitPlus.

Also Used By Batch Manager