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Change Account Email Preferences

Group leaders and users with permission can use this tab to determine when they receive automated email messages. Pathway and step leaders can also change how they receive pathway emails.

You can update your email notifications for automated email messages. Email notifications can come from Paid Events, Pathways, Volunteer Management, as well as areas managed by administrators and group leaders, such as a ministry area.

  1. Sign in to your church's Realm site.
  2. Click your name in the upper-right corner, and in the Notifications section, click Realm.
  3. Update your email preferences by selecting or clearing the check boxes.
  4. Click Save.

Account Email Preferences Field Descriptions

Here's detailed information that could be helpful while you're changing email preferences.

Depending on your permissions, you may see these fields.


Text messaging daily usage summary

This is a daily email that provides administrators with information on text usage. To opt out of receiving this email notification, clear this option.

Ministry Area/Group Leaders

Attendance is unmarked

If, as a group leader, you forget to mark attendance after a group event, Realm can automatically send you a reminder email with a link to the attendance page. These emails are sent nightly by an automated process. An email is generated for every event where attendance is not marked, whether it is the group's primary event or not.

For groups with no leader, the reminders are sent to the ministry area leader. If a group has multiple leaders, a Mark Attendance notification is sent to all of the leaders. When one of the group leaders marks attendance for the group, the Mark Attendance notification will not display for the other group leaders.

A group member misses 3 consecutive times

Group leaders can also receive a listing of individuals who have missed three or more consecutive meetings for their group. This list is compiled and the emails sent nightly by an automated process.

A group member will appear on the list if he misses three occurrences of a single event without also attending a different event for the group. So, if Max misses two instances of Sunday School plus one instance of movie night, he will not be on the list. But when he then misses the third Sunday School class in a row, he will be included.

Group members who have never attended an event in that group will not show as having consecutive absences. They must have at least one marking before the consecutive counts begin.


For pathways that you help lead

You can select a daily digest, weekly digest, or no email about pathways that you help lead. Digests include information about new participants and those assigned to you, as well as unassigned, overdue, and removed participants. The daily digest is sent each morning around 6:00am UTC. The weekly digest is sent on Mondays around 6:00am UTC.

Volunteer Management

For information on these fields, see Manage Volunteer Management Notifications.