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Add an Event Package

You must set up elements for the package before adding it. Do the following:
  • Review the Requirement Types keywords category to ensure it includes all the requirement types necessary for the event package. You can add requirement types directly to the keyword list, when you schedule the events, or in the Package Events window.
  • Review the Charge/Payment Descriptions list to ensure it includes all charge and payment descriptions necessary for the event package. You can add descriptions directly to the list, when you schedule the events, or in the Package Events window.
  • Set up the templates for packages. A template is an easy way to set up an event package. A good template contains every event, charge, and requirement necessary for the event package.
  • Set up the organization and contact names. You can set up a generic organization, such as "Wedding", to use for similar event packages.
  1. On the Information tab, click Event Packages.
  2. At the top, click Add Pkg.
  3. Enter the package name. For example, "Bailey/Johnson Wedding".
  4. Select the organization scheduling the event package.
  5. In the Package Remarks memo box, enter remarks about the event package, if necessary.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the list on the left, select items to include in the package. You can select individual items or entire templates. Click the right and left arrows to move items from one list to the other, or double-click the item to move it.
  8. After you move all items you want in the event package to the list on the right, click Next.
  9. For each event, enter or select the date, facility, and starting and ending times. If conflicts occur, the details display.
  10. To schedule each item, select Mark to Schedule. The Simple Event Scheduling wizard displays.
  11. As you schedule each event, it displays in the Scheduled Events grid. To modify event information, select the event in the grid, and click Load Event.
  12. You can click Finish at any time.
    Note: If you click Finish before you schedule all events, the Schedule Now button displays next to the event in the Package Events window. When you're ready to continue scheduling, in the navigation pane, click Complete Schedule.