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Add OnDemand Users

Manage your users in OnDemand.

OnDemand User Accounts

OnDemand user accounts are unique and should not be shared. Basic packages start out with five users, so additional users may affect the billing statement for your account.

You don't need to request additional users, and you can add as many as you want. However, if the number of users exceeds the number stipulated in your quote, your monthly bill will increase.

Checkpoint Kiosk users and Insights users don't affect your billing. If you have questions about your account, contact Support at 1-800-669-2509.

Site Admin Recommendations

We recommend a minimum of two active Site Admins assigned to your OnDemand account at all times.

To make changes to your list of authorized Site Admins:

It may take up to two business days to verify and complete the request.

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