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Change User Preferences

Each user can select a preferred method for entering names in the program, viewing groups on calendars, and displaying event reminders.

Note: Remember, when the Users and Passwords area option is set to All Access or View Only Access, a user can change his or her own preferences. Otherwise, the security administrator must set up and maintain these for each user.
  1. On the Administration tab, click Users & Passwords > User Preferences.
  2. Locate the appropriate user.
  3. Select a Name Breakdown option.
    • Enter name parts on separate lines—This is the default option. When you begin entering a name, the Name Breakdown window automatically displays so you can enter the parts of the name: Last Name, First Name, Title, and Suffix. As parts of a name are entered on separate lines, the name formats for the Name, Mailing Name, Formal Salutation, and Informal Salutation are built.
    • Enter entire name on a single line—When you begin entering a name, the Name Breakdown window automatically displays. In the Name field, enter the last name, first name, title, and suffix. As you enter the entire name on the single line, the Mailing Name, Salutation, and the parts of the name (Last Name, First Name, Title, and Suffix), are filled in automatically. You can edit the name fields at any time.
    • Enter entire name on a single line—The Name Breakdown window doesn't automatically display. In any Name field, enter the last name, first name, title, and suffix. To verify the Name, Mailing Name, Formal Salutation, and Informal Salutation formats are correct, click the ellipsis icon (...) after the Name field.
  4. Select an option for Viewing Calendars.
    • Include both the group name part and the subgroup part of a group—Include the group and its subgroups on your calendars. For example, "Meeting Rooms (group)", "Meeting Room A", and "Meeting Room B".
    • Include just the group name part of a group—Include only the name of the group, not its individual parts. For example, "Meeting Rooms (group)" rather than "Meeting Room A" and "Meeting Room B".
    • Include just the subgroup part of a group—Include only subgroups on your calendars. For example, "Meeting Room A" and "Meeting Room B" rather than "Meeting Rooms (group)".
  5. Select an option for Event Reminders.
    • Automatically display reminders when entering the program—If selected, any events that you've set to show a reminder for display as soon as you start your program. You can also view these at any time by clicking Show Reminders on the Home Screen.

      Event Reminders dialog box showing upcoming scheduled events
    • Only display reminders when Show Reminders button is clicked—If selected, event reminders do not display when you start the program. You can click Show Reminders on the Home Screen to view them at any time.

      PDS Home screen with the Show Reminders button
  6. At the top, click Save.