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PocketPlatform - Released February 12, 2025

We've updated several areas across the app. See what's in store for your users!

Custom Forms

  • We enhanced the experience for multi-lingual users in the app. Messages for various interactions (such as "This field is required") now display in the language set at the OS level.


  • Brain fog... it happens to all of us. Did I check-in this morning or am I thinking of last Sunday? To help with those moments, we enhanced the FastPass and Self Check-in recipes so you can display a message to users on the dashboard when they've officially checked in!
  • We enhanced our Livestreams recipe to allow greater flexibility in how you schedule and set up your dashboard.
  • The Latest Sermon recipe now honors filter customizations in your configuration file.
  • Fixed an issue with the StudioC recipe when no Household information was available.
  • Fixed an issue with links in the User Badges recipe.


  • The Event Registration Form now displays the product options before any form questions. This matches the format of the registration form in widgets for a more consistent experience.


  • Fixed an issue where, after each PocketPlatform release, the Allow Fastpass option was automatically reset to Yes on any Event record that had Allow Check-in set to Yes.


  • We enhanced our geolocation features so that PocketPlatform can show a recipe if the app user is within OR outside of the radius of a specific geolocation!


  • We added the Link Generator Tool to the Livestreams page in the Platform. This way, you can create an app link to play your livestream media natively in the app. For the screen you want to link to, select Video Player, then enter the URL of the livestream media.
    Note: If you enter a URL to a webpage that has an embedded video player that plays the livestream, you'll need to enter the URL of the video stream itself (usually ending in .m3u8).


  • Fixed an issue where an authenticated user's Contact record was not associated with their Form Response after submitting an opportunity form in the app.

Push Notifications

  • Fixed an issue where iOS users were not receiving push notifications in certain situations.

Update App Recipe

  • We created a recipe that you can enable to prompt your users to update their app to the latest version. Each time PocketPlatform has a release, the recipe displays a helpful message (only if users aren't updated to the new version automatically). They can tap the recipe to go directly to their device's app store where they can update.
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