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Opportunity Details

When someone selects an opportunity from the Opportunity Finder, the Opportunity Detail Widget displays. Here, users can see additional information about an opportunity and respond to it using form. Check out Widget Church's Opportunities to see an Opportunity Detail Widget in action.


  • Title: Opportunity Title .
  • When: Opportunity Date. If blank, this is replaced with "Ongoing".
  • Description: Opportunity Description. Line breaks are supported.
  • Primary Contact: The photo and full name of the Opportunity's Primary Contact displays. If no photo is attached to the Primary Contact's Contact record, a placeholder image is shown. Tapping the Primary Contact's image opens a contact form so users can send an email.
    Note: If the Primary Contact does not have an email address associated with their Contact record, tapping the image will not open the contact form.
  • Location: Populated from the Program's Congregation.
  • Remaining Need: Displays the number of Responses still needed. This is calculated as the total number of Responses (which have a Response Result value of "Placed") subtracted from the Maximum Needed.
Note: Want to collect additional information when someone submits a response? You can do that! See Configuring Opportunity Details to learn how.


  • Submit Response: Displays a success message, which you can define using the mpp-opportunity-details.thankYouMessage application label. Creates a Response record in the Platform. If the Opportunity is associated with a Group and/or Event, the respondent will be added once the Response Result field of the Response record is marked as Placed.
    Note: First Name, Last Name fields, and either Email Address or Phone Number are required so the response can be matched to a Contact record. It is not possible to change the required fields.
  • Fill Out Form: Add a Custom Form to your Opportunity Details Widget to gather additional information.
    • Custom Form questions display after the default fields that are always present.
    • Form instructions display between the default fields and the Custom Form questions.
    • Custom Contact and Address fields only show once. The Get Contact Info and Get Address Info fields only apply to stand-alone forms, so that information will not show up on the form response record.
      Note: The Custom Form's end date will be ignored. If the Opportunity Details are visible, the associated form will also be visible.
      Note: If the Custom Form requires a login (that is, Force Login is set to Yes), the individual will be prompted to log in before they can sign up for the Opportunity.
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