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Response Follow-Up

An overview on response follow-ups in the Platform, including what they are, fields and what they mean, and how to add them.

Use response follow-ups to track contacts made between the person assigned to the response and the participant interested in the opportunity. A response follow-up record tells you exactly who followed up and when.

Response Follow-Up Fields

The response that the follow-up is associated with.
Follow-Up Date
The date the follow-up contact was made.
The type of contact that was made.
Any additional information about the contact that should be recorded.

Add Response Follow Ups

The best practice to add one or more response follow-ups is to use the Response Follow-Up Tool. You can also create a response follow-up from either the Response Follow-Ups page or in an open response in the Follow Ups tab.
From the Response Follow-Ups page
  1. In the navigation menu, click People Lists > Response Follow-Ups.
  2. Click New Follow Up.
  3. Complete the fields.
  4. Click Save.
From the Response page
  1. In the navigation menu, click People Lists > Responses.
  2. Open the Response record.
  3. Click the Follow Ups tab.
  4. Click New Follow Up.
  5. Complete the fields.
  6. Click Save.
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