Create an Opportunity
Instructions to create an opportunity, including opportunity fields you'll encounter and what they mean, and related notification fields and what they mean.
- In the navigation menu, click Opportunities.
- Click New Opportunity.
- Complete the fields.
- Click Save.
Opportunity Fields
- Opportunity Title
- A friendly, concise title summarizing what you're inviting people to do.
- Description
- A brief explanation of the opportunity.
- Group Role
- The specific position or job this person would fill for this opportunity.
- Program
- The ongoing church activity that this opportunity is for. The program connects the opportunity to the ministry that oversees this person's role and the congregation they serve in.
- Visibility Level
- The value that determines if people can see this opportunity online:
- 1-Private: Designed for internal use (for example, views, filters reports), and does not display in Opportunity Widgets.
- 2-Staff Only: Designed for internal use by staff (for example, views, filters reports), and only displays in Opportunity Widgets when the authenticated user is a staff member (that is, they have at least one current Group Participant record with Employee Role set to Yes).
- 3-Staff & Church: Displays in Opportunity Widgets whether or not the person is logged in, but only those logged in can respond to the opportunity.
- 4-Public: Once the opportunity is approved, it displays in Opportunity Widgets whether or not the person is logged in, and anyone (logged in or not) can respond to the opportunity.
- 5-Hidden: URL Required: Displays in Opportunity Widgets only to those with the appropriate URL. To create the URL, add the opportunity ID number to your opportunity URL.
- Contact Person
- The person to follow up with responses to this opportunity. It's best to ensure they have an email and a user account in MinistryPlatform, especially if you'll assign them tasks through the Response Follow-Up process.
- Publish Date
- The date the opportunity displays online.
- Opportunity Date
- The date when this person is asked to serve. The opportunity becomes "inactive" and is removed once this date passes. Leave blank if this is an ongoing opportunity. If you change this field to a date in the past, it acts as the End Date field seen elsewhere in the Platform. Opportunity Finder sorts opportunities first by date (starting with ongoing, then soonest to latest) and then by opportunity title.
- Duration in Hours
- The number of hours someone responding to this opportunity is expected to serve. This can be a recurring value for ongoing opportunities. This field does not display online.
- Add to Group
- When the person who responds is cleared to serve and their Response record is updated to display Placed in the Response Result field: If there is a group listed in this field, the person has been added to this group automatically with the group role set.
- Add to Event
- When the person who responds is cleared to serve and their Response record is updated to display Placed in the Response Result field: If there is an event listed in this field, the person is added to this event automatically.
- Required Gender
- Set a value if this opportunity should be exclusive to men or women. This field is used only for filtering purposes and does not display online. The value set here does not prevent individuals of another gender from responding.
- Minimum Age
- Set a value if this opportunity should be exclusive to people of or over a specific age. This field is used only for filtering purposes and does not show online. The value set here does not prevent individuals of a younger age from responding.
- Minimum Needed
- Set a target value for the number of volunteers you need to respond to this opportunity. This displays as a record fact in the list view and updates as volunteers respond to the opportunity:
- If you're using the Opportunity Details Widget, the minimum needed record fact is calculated as the total number of responses (with a Response Result value of Placed) subtracted from the maximum needed. Unplaced responses do not reflect in the maximum needed record fact.
Note: Want to place responses immediately so they're counted toward the maximum needed? You can do that by creating a process! Here's what to include on the Process record:
- On Complete: Enter Response_Result_ID = 1.
- Dependent Condition: Enter Opportunity_ID = and enter the ID number of the specific opportunity.
- Trigger On Create and Trigger On Update: Set to Yes.
- Table Name: Select Responses.
- (Steps are not required for this process.)
- If you're using the Opportunity Details Widget, the minimum needed record fact is calculated as the total number of responses (with a Response Result value of Placed) subtracted from the maximum needed. Unplaced responses do not reflect in the maximum needed record fact.
- Maximum Needed
- Set a target value for the largest number of respondents allowed from this listing.
- If you're using the widget, unplaced responses are not reflected in the maximum needed record fact.
Note: Want to place responses immediately so they're counted toward the maximum needed? You can do that by creating a process! Here's what to include on the Process record:
- On Complete: Enter Response_Result_ID = 1.
- Dependent Condition: Enter Opportunity_ID = and enter the ID number of the specific opportunity.
- Trigger On Create and Trigger On Update: Set to Yes.
- Table Name: Select Responses.
- (Steps are not required for this process.)
- If you're using the widget, unplaced responses are not reflected in the maximum needed record fact.
- Letter Body
- Text to display in the body of the selected response letter found on the Responses page that you can send to respondents as part of your follow-up process.
- Letter From
- The contact person to be used by the selected response letter.
- On Connection Card
- If set to Yes, this opportunity displays on the Connection Card Tool.
- Shift Start
- For event-specific opportunities, use this value to distinguish the start date/time of an opportunity when there are multiple opportunities to do the same job in the same event during different shifts (rarely used). This field does not show online.
- Shift End
- For event-specific opportunities, use this field to state the end date and time of an opportunity. You might use this when there are multiple opportunities to do the same job in the same event during different shifts. This field does not display online.
- Custom Form
- This field provides the option to link an existing custom form to your opportunity. The custom form displays when someone expresses interest in an opportunity on Opportunity Finder. The custom form questions are listed after the standard name, contact information, and message fields.
Notification Fields
The following fields are used for the Opportunity Response Notification and Opportunity Reminder Notification.
- Response Message
- Use this field to set an email to send to a respondent no matter how a person is added to an opportunity. As long as they have a response, they will get an email with this message if there is one in this field.
- Close Responses
- When the response message is populated, this field automatically closes responses and adds Info Sent to the Response Result field for this opportunity. Note: The response will not close automatically if there is no response message assigned.
- Date To Remind
- The date when you want to remind respondents about the opportunity. The reminder will go out during your nightly routine so it must have at least one-day lead-time to run it will not run if set to today's date. The response must be open (Closed set to No) to get an email.
- Optional Reminder Message
- A special reminder message is created for this opportunity. There must be a value in the Date To Remind field for this message to be sent. You can override the default reminder message with an opportunity-specific reminder message.
- Send To Heads
- Send the message to two Heads of Household in the respondent's household, if they have a different email address than the registrant. Note: The message automatically adjusts to say "Parents Of" the respondent. This is designed specifically for opportunities for children, so there is potential for emails to parents of adults if they are registered for a "send to heads" event.