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Event Series

You can create a series of events by copying the initial event. Event series can be configured different ways, so pick the one that works best for your church!

  • Series: Multiple Events that are related to and copied from each other.
  • Multi-day Series: A single event that spans multiple consecutive days, like a retreat or seminar.
  • Recurring Event Series: An event that happens on a regular schedule but not consecutively. For example, a Bible Study or prayer group that meets every Tuesday morning or the first Monday of every month.
CAUTION: You can opt to let people register into a series of events. But as tempting as that sounds, approach with caution. The Register into Series option should only be used for a multi-day series.

Create an Event Series

  1. In the navigation menu, click Events.
  2. Click New Event, and complete the Event record fields. Make sure that the Start Date and End Date fields reflect only the date and time of the first occurrence (rather than including the first and last dates of the entire series).
  3. Click Save.
  4. In the Confirmation message, click Submit to trigger the event approval process.
  5. In the Event record you just created, from the Actions menu, select Copy.
  6. Set the Recurrence Pattern by clicking the ellipsis button three dots to the right of the field and selecting the appropriate daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly options.
  7. Click Save or Save & Add Another.
  8. Select when the recurrence should end, either after a certain number of occurrences or by a certain date.
  9. Select whether to include and update the current Event record in the series.
  10. Use the calendar preview at the bottom to confirm the dates of your recurrence. If needed, you can click a highlighted date to remove it from the recurrence.
    Example of a weekly recurrence where some dates have been manually removed
  11. Click Save.
  12. If needed, copy sub-page date forward to all events in the series. For example, if you have a group associated with the event and want all events in the series to have the group associated with them, click the Copy Sub Page Data drop-down list and select the Groups checkbox.
  13. If needed, selection the option to copy the attached file forward, such as the picture attached to the event.
  14. Click Copy Record.
  15. In the Confirmation message, click Submit to trigger the event approval process.

The event series is created. Depending on whether you chose to include and update the current record, the event that displays may not be the event you started with.

To view all the events in a series, reference the View Example: Events in Series and modify the example to fit your needs.

Edit an Event Series

You can edit one event in a series, future events in a series, or all events in the series.
Note: If you need to copy subpage record changes to all events in the series, use the Event Rooms & Groups Tool.
  1. Open the appropriate event in the series.
    If you're only updating one particular event in the series, open that record. If you're trying to shift the date of all future occurrences (from Wednesday to Friday, for example), open the record of the first occurrence for that date change.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Make any necessary changes.
  4. Click Save.
  5. When prompted, indicate which events in the series you want to apply your changes to.
  6. Click Update.

Extend an Event Series

You may need to extend an existing event series to include additional occurrences connected to the original series. For example, you need to schedule another four instances of an event in the same recurrence pattern. Or you may want to add another recurrence pattern for the series. For example, you have an event that occurs every Monday and Friday, and you want that same event to occur every other Wednesday as well. You can do this by copying an existing record.

New events are added as long as the same event doesn't already exist, unless you allowed duplicate occurrences.

  1. Open one of the events in the series.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Copy.
  3. Click the ellipsis button three dots to the right of the Recurrence Pattern box.
    1. If you're extending the existing series, confirm the pattern and select a new number of occurrences or end by date.
    2. Otherwise, to extend the series with a different pattern, click Add Recurrence Pattern. Click Save & Add Another to create multiple patterns. Once you've defined the patterns you want, click Save.
  4. Click Extend Current Series.
  5. If you want an Event record to be added when the same event already exists, select Allow Duplicate Occurrences.
  6. Click Copy Record.

Delete an Event Series

You can delete one event in the series, future events in a series, or all events in the series.
  1. Open one of the events in the series.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. In the pop-up window, indicate what event(s) in the series you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.

Event Series and Registration

If your multi-day event includes registration, you can set the Register into Series field to Yes to activate a routine to register a participant into all events in the series automatically. Remember, though, the Register into Series option should only be used for a multi-day series.

Set the first event in series to have a Registrant Message (if needed) and the Product. The subsequent events should NOT have a Registrant Message or Product set. Instead, in the External URL field paste in the Event Registration for Day Event.

This way, everyone will get registered for the first day and then the Routine will add them for the subsequent events. If there are options to register for just one of the days at a lower price, the best practice is to use product option groups and manage that as Groups associated with different Event days.

Note: To keep registration open on a past event in the series, you can extend the Event End Date and ensure that the Registration Closed Date field has not passed. This allows participants to register for the events. However, if someone registers for an event with a Start Date in the past, the routine will not register them into future events for the series.

Create Past Recurring Events

In certain cases, you may need to create a series of past events in order to record Attendance or Event Metrics. In those cases, begin with the date that is furthest back in history and then create the series moving forward as you would a regular series of Events.