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An overview of Invoice records in the event registration process, including creation, interaction, and management details.

An Invoice record is created when someone makes a partial or full payment through the event registration process. You'll find invoices under Products & Payments > Invoices. This page has various views to help you determine whether any records have outstanding balances or need to be reassigned.

  • Individuals can interact with their own Invoice records and pay the outstanding balance using the My Invoices widget as long as Invoice Detail and Payment Detail records are configured properly. See the Payment FAQ article for more information.
  • Invoices are created either through an online payment or the Add a Payment Tool. We don't recommend manually creating an invoice, but you can do so by clicking New Invoice from the Invoices page. We recommend using the Add a Payment Tool to create new invoices that aren't automatically generated.
  • The Batch Manager Tool does not create invoices.
  • From the Invoice record, you can click the Invoice Detail tab to view the associated products and line totals.
  • The person who receives the invoice is the purchaser. In some cases, you may need to change this as one person may pay the deposit for a friend, but the friend pays the remainder. It also may happen when a parent pays a portion and they want the other spouse to make the rest of the payment and/or be contacted about them.
  • When you print invoices, the Invoice Printout and Selected reports retrieve the recipient information from the Attendee field during registration.
    Note: If this field is left blank during the registration process, it will be blank on a printed invoice.
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