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Invoice Details and Payment

When a registrant clicks Register and Checkout in the Event Details & Registration Widget, the Invoice Details & Payment Widget opens. From there, they can make changes to their registration information and, if applicable, pay for the event.

  • Individuals can register themselves or multiple people for a paid event via the Event Details & Registration Widget. After clicking Register & Checkout, they can review their invoice in the Invoice Details & Payment Widget. When they click Pay Now, they're taken to a third party vendor to process their payment. Then, they're returned to the Invoice & Payment Widget, confirming a successful checkout.
    Important: To use the Invoice Details & Payment Widget, you must work with one of our verified vendors. Check out the list of our verified vendors and, if you don't already work with one, reach out to get started.
  • In the Invoice Details & Payment Widget, the registrant has the opportunity to review their purchase, remove people or products from the registration, click Make Changes to edit their registration information, and click Pay Now.
  • Clicking away from the Widget (other than Make Changes and Pay Now) displays a browser prompt to warn against leaving the transaction incomplete.
  • Relevant Platform records are created, including Event Participants, Invoice, Invoice Details, Payment, Payment Details, Form Responses, Form Answers, and Group Participants.
  • One hour after the invoice is created, the Abandoned Invoice Cleanup process invokes a webhook to check if the invoice has been paid.
    • If it has not been paid, the process sets the Invoice Status to "Cancelled" with the reason being "Invoice Abandoned by Registrant", and marks the associated Event Participant records as "Abandoned" to release the spots for other registrants.
    • If payment is received later, the process updates the Invoice record as "Some Paid" or "Paid in Full", and marks the Event Participant record as "Registered".
  • If the Invoice Status is Awaiting Payment, it means that an individual registered for the event but hasn't paid yet. If they don't pay the invoice within one hour, both the invoice and the participant record are cancelled.


  • Registration Confirmation
  • Payment Confirmation


  • Review Registration Details: The registrant can review the details of their registration, including registrant names, details, sub-totals, and the invoice total. They can remove a registration or individual product options, if needed.
  • Make Changes: Allows completed registration information to be edited without having to start over. A blank form displays to add another person, or they can edit or remove a previous registrant.
    Note: This option only displays for paid events, and is only available if no amount has been paid on an invoice yet and no promo codes have been applied to the registration.
  • Pay Now: Allows payment information to be collected through your payment vendor.
  • Back to Event Details: Returns the registrant to the Event Details & Registration Widget.
    Note: This option displays either after registering (for a free event) or after payment confirmation (for a paid event).


For setup details, see Configuring Invoice Details & Payment.

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