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Creating Contacts

Important: We recommended you use the Add/Edit Family Tool or another appropriate tool to create Contact records instead of the New button at the top of the Contacts page. This ensures that the system properly creates other necessary records, like Household and Participant records.

To remove the New button from the Contacts page, a SPoC can go to System Setup > Pages, edit the Contacts page record, and set Suppress New Button to Yes.

There are several ways to create a Contact record:
  • Data Migration: Contacts move from your legacy system into MinistryPlatform during implementation.
  • Add/Edit Family Tool: Create multiple Contacts, place them in a Household, and create Donor and Participant records at one time.
  • Add/Edit Company Tool: Create a special type of Contact record for a Company or business.
  • Check-In Suite: Create contacts using the Attend Mode feature in Check-In Suite.
  • Widgets: When someone creates a User account using a widget and the system can't find a match for them in the Platform, it creates a new Contact record. In this case, the Audit Log displays "API User" as the person who created the record.
  • Batch Manager Tool (BMT): Create new contacts and assign donations to them immediately.
  • Assign Donor Tool: Create a new Contact record when a donation matches to an existing Contact.
  • Assign Participant Tool: Create a new Contact record when an event registration doesn't match to an existing contact.
  • Custom Applications (API): MinistryPlatform comes equipped with an API. Build your own applications and use our API to create Contact records.

Visual diagram showing the different ways that Household and Contact records can be created

Other Records Created with Contacts

When you use the listed tool or method to create a Contact, you always create the following records:

Visual diagram showing which tools/methods create additional records: Add/Edit Family creates Contact, Household, and Participant; Check-In creates Contact, Household, and Participant; Widgets create Contact, Household, and User; BMT creates Contact, Household, and Donor; Assign Donor and Assign Participant create Contact, Household, and Donor or Participant

When you use the listed tool or method to create a Contact, you potentially create the following records:

Visual diagram showing which tools/methods potentially create additional records: Add/Edit Family creates Address, Donor, and Spouse/kids/other contacts; Check-In creates Address, Event Participant, and Group Participant; Widgets create Address, Participant, and Donor; BMT creates Address and Spouse contact; Assign Donor and Assign Participant create Address and Spouse contact

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