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Contact Relationships

  • You can use Relationships to indicate people's connections with one another – from marital and parental to mentoring and any other connections you want to track.
  • When you create a Relationship on one Contact record, the database trigger automatically creates the reciprocal relationship on the related Contact record if a reciprocal relationship exists.

Available Relationships

You have control over available Relationships. A SPoC can add new Relationship options in System Lookups > Relationships. When you add Relationships, it's best to make them gender-neutral (for example, "Sibling Of" is better than "Brother Of/Sister Of"); you can infer the gender based on the Contact.

Add a Relationship

When adding Relationships, you should be able to "read down" the fields; for example, Jane Dow (Contact) is the Parent Of (Relationship) Jimmy Dow (Related).
Note: As an alternate option, you can edit/end Relationships in People Lists > Contact Relationships.
  1. On the Contacts page, open one of the Contact records.
  2. Click the Relationships sub-page.
  3. Click New and complete the appropriate fields
    1. Relationship: The type of relationship the two Contacts have in common.
    2. Related: The second Contact in the relationship.
    3. Start Date: The date the Relationship began or was entered into the system.
    4. End Date: Leave blank if the Relationship is current; indicate a date here is the Relationship has ended.
    5. Notes: Optionally indicate notes about the Relationship.
    6. Triggered By: This is a read-only field that the system uses to trigger updates on the reciprocal record when changes are made.
  4. Click Save.

If a reciprocal Relationship is needed for this Relationship, one is automatically created on the related Contact's record via a trigger.

End a Relationship

You can end a Relationship between Contact records.
Note: As an alternate option, you can edit/end Relationships in People Lists > Contact Relationships.
  1. On the Contacts page, open one of the Contact records.
  2. Click the Relationships tab.
  3. Click the appropriate Relationship.
  4. Click Edit, and add a date in the End Date field.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Repeat these steps for the other Contact in the relationship.

View Relationships

To view an individual's relationships, open their Contact record and click the Relationships tab.

To view all relationships, go to People Lists > Contact Relationships.