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Contact Record Fields

The Contact record has many fields separated into specific sections.

Note: With Field Management, your church can customize whether fields are required or hidden, have a default value, or display in a different section on the Page. So don't worry if your Contact record looks different from our example.


Specifies whether the selected Contact record a Company.
Company Name
If the Contact is a Company, the Company name.
Display Name
Shows as "Last Name, Nickname".
Title before the Contact's name (for example, Mr., Mrs., Dr.).
First Name
The Contact's first name.
Middle Name
The Contact's middle name.
Last Name
The Contact's last name.
Provides additional information about the person (for example, Jr., Sr., PhD., JD., LMFT).
The name the Contact goes by. Various applications use this field instead of the formal first name.
Date of Birth
Includes the calculated age listed in parentheses. A calculated age less than one year displays in months. You can't insert or update a future date of birth.
The Contact's gender.
Marital Status
The Contact's marital status.
Contact Status
Indicates the overall relationship between this Contact and the organization. See Contact Tracking for detail. You can set this automatically.
If this individual belongs to a Household, the Household record is linked here.
Household Position
Identifies the Contact's position in the Household (head, minor child, and so on).
Anniversary Date
The date of the Contact's wedding anniversary, if applicable.
Date of Death
The Contact's date of death, if applicable. When entered, this value prevents the Contacts from aging.
Participant Record
If the User has a Participant record, the Participant record is linked here.
Donor Record
If the User has a Donor record, it is linked here.

Contact Methods

Email Address
The single email address for this Contact . You can't enter multiple address in this field. To store multiple email addresses for an individual, a SPoC could work with Professional Services to add a custom field for Alternate Email. However, this field would be for storage purposes only, and tools, reports, or processes can't act on it.
Important: Staff at your church should have their staff email address in this field, not their personal email address. This is so the To/From email address used for emails from the Platform uses the email address in this field.
Mobile Phone
The Contact's mobile phone number. The New Message Tool sends text messages to this number. If your Twilio account can send international texts, enter "+" and the country code before the mobile number to ensure those texts send correctly.
Company Phone
The Contact's business phone number.

Communication Preferences

Bulk Email Opt-Out
Set this value to Yes to skip this person's email from general mailings.
Email Unlisted
Set this value to Yes when to remove this person's email from things like the Online Directory, My Groups, and the Selected Directory Household report (if you set the report parameters to honor unlisted preferences).
Do Not Text
Set this value to Yes to skip this person's phone number from general text messages.
Mobile Phone Unlisted
Set this value to Yes to remove this person's mobile phone number from things like the Online Directory, My Groups, and the Selected Directory Household report (if you set the report parameters to honor unlisted preferences).
Remove From Directory
Set this value to Yes to remove this Contact record from the Online Directory and from the Selected Directory Household report (if you set the report parameters to honor unlisted preferences).

Other Information

User Account
If the Contact has a User account that they use to log in to MinistryPlatform, Widgets, and other applications, it is linked here.
ID Card
This is assigned by MinistryPlatform.
Contact GUID
This field holds the value for churches that use a card with a barcode or scanner symbol.
Contact Setup Date
The date this Contact record was created. This can help you determine how long the Contact has been in the system, and it is useful in Views, View Notifications, or Custom Routines.

Professional Information

Web Page
The contact's webpage for staff reference. Not accessible by MinistryPlatform applications.
The contact's industry or field of work for staff reference. Not accessible by MinistryPlatform applications.
The contact's occupation for staff reference. Not accessible by MinistryPlatform applications.
HS Graduation Year
The contact's high school graduation year for staff reference.
Primary Language
The primary language that the contact speaks.
Faith Background
Available in Catholic instances. Indicates the religion that the contact practices.