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Contact Attributes

Keep track of all the things you know about your people.

  • Use Attributes in MinistryPlatform to indicate an individual's traits, such as skills, strengths, interests, spiritual gifts, or anything else you need to know that isn't stored somewhere else.
  • Staff can note Attributes in the Platform, or the authenticated individual can note their own Attributes in the About Me widget.

Available Attributes

You have control over available Attributes. Add and edit Attribute Types and Attributes in the Lookup Values section. Any Attribute Type with Available Online set to Yes is available in the Platform and in the About Me, Group Finder, and Opportunity Finder widgets.

Add Attributes to a Contact

  1. On the Contacts page, open the appropriate Contact record.
  2. Click the Attributes tab.
  3. To add one, click New Contact Attribute. To add several, from the Actions menu, click Add Attributes.
    1. Select the appropriate Attribute(s).
    2. Enter the Start Date as the date the Attribute began or you entered it into the system.
    3. Leave the End Date blank if the Attribute is current, or enter a date if the Attribute has ended.
    4. Optional: Enter Notes about the Attribute.
  4. Click Save.

Add One Attribute to Multiple Contacts

  1. On the Contacts page, make a selection of the Contact records to receive the Attribute.
  2. Go to Lookup Values > Attributes.
  3. Open the Attribute record, and click the People tab.
  4. From the Action menu, select Add People.
  5. Click the magnifying glass search iconto see all Contacts.
  6. Choose your selection from the drop-down.
  7. Click Confirm Selection.
  8. Add a Start Date and any Notes.
  9. Click Save.

Remove Attributes from a Contact

  1. On the Contacts page, open the appropriate Contact record.
  2. Click the Attributes tab.
  3. Click the Attribute you want to remove.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Add a date in the End Date field.
  6. Click Save.

View Attributes

To view Attributes per individual, open their Contact record and click the Attributes tab. To view all Attributes, go to People Lists > Contact Attributes.

You can also set up a view on the Contact Attributes page to show all of the Contacts with a specific Attribute. For example, see everyone with a certain spiritual gift, which you can use to email them about a relevant Opportunity or Event.

If you use name tags, you can print icons so leaders can quickly see who has a certain Attribute. For example, an icon may indicate that a child has reached their scripture memory goal or needs a special snack due to an allergy.

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