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Lookup Values

  • Lookup Values are the records that control what displays in the various drop-down menus throughout the system.
  • Typically, only SPoCs have access to the Lookup Values section of MinistryPlatform. We highly recommend that you maintain this approach. You should only give Lookup Value access and editing rights to the select few administrative users who understand how changes and additions affect the system.
Note: These Lookup Values are different from System Lookup Values (which you should not edit).

Updating Lookup Values

  • You can rename Lookup Values. That said, you should only edit Lookup Values for clarification, and you should never change the base meaning of the value (for example, you shouldn't change the value of Inactive to mean Active).
  • You can add new Lookup Values if you need them.
  • In either case:
    • Review any views that your renaming or addition might affect.
    • Review any Configuration Settings that you may affect.
    • Communicate the change to users so they aren't confused.
CAUTION: We strongly discourage deleting Lookup Values. If you are considering removing a Lookup Value, we recommend you contact Support for their perspective before you delete the value. We may not support modifications.
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