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Note: The Background Information Services, Inc. (BIS) Background Check Integration requires setup by Support. See the steps below to ensure you provide Support with the appropriate details.

The BIS Background Check Integration works with the Platform and BIS to facilitate and automate the creation, completion, and execution of Background Checks.

Managing Background Checks

To manage Background Checks, see Background Checks.


There is no charge from ACS Technologies for configuring the integration.

Fees from (BIS) are assessed as per each church's individual contract agreement.

Supported Packages

Executive Level Package (Recommended for high-level staff positions)
  • MCI Plus; 7-year County/Statewide Searches (3) on primary name; Federal National Search; MVR; Education Verification (Highest completed); Employment Verification (2). Optional: Credit Check (Onsite inspection must be completed.)
Mid-level Staff Package (Recommended for mid-level staff positions)
  • MCI Plus; 7-year County/Statewide Searches (3) on primary name; Federal National Search; MVR; Employment or Education Verification (1).
General Staff / Volunteer Package (Most commonly used for volunteers)
  • MCI Plus; 7-year County/Statewide Searches (1) on primary name. Recommendation: If driving, add MVR.


Ongoing support is provided by BIS. Their support team can be reached by email: Service@BISI.com.


Step 1: Integration Sign-Up

You can use MinistryPlatform to submit Background Checks to BIS. Here's how to sign up.
  1. Email sales@bisi.com for information and an agreement.
  2. BIS will work with the church to determine what package best fits the need. The BIS site details your options.
  3. Once you created an account with BIS, email Support to deploy the tool to your Platform instance.

Step 1b: Adjudication (Optional)

BIS reports display a flag for the discrepancy and no flag for clear results. View all results to ensure you understand those results and to confirm that you received the expected results.

Returned Background Check Results:

  • No flag: The Background Check record in the Platform has All Clear set to Yes.
  • Flag: The Background Check record in the Platform has All Clear set to Undefined so you can review and assess.

Step 2: Platform Preparation

  1. After Support deploys the BIS Background Check Tool, go to Administration > Configuration Settings.
  2. Update your BIS credentials.
    1. For COMMON, BackgroundCheckUsername, enter your BIS username.
    2. For COMMON, BackgroundCheckPassword, enter your BIS password.
    3. For COMMON, BackgroundCheckProvider, enter BIS.

Step 4: Test Submission

  1. Using the Add/Edit Family Tool, create two Contact records in MinistryPlatform.
    1. This returns a sample report with records:
      • First Name: Hank
      • Last Name: Mess
      • Email Address: Enter your own so you receive the background check request.
    2. This returns a sample report with no records:
      • First Name: Joe
      • Last Name: Kleen
      • Email Address: Enter your own so you receive the background check request.
  2. Create a test submission to ensure the integration works as configured.
  3. Select your test contacts, Hank Mess and Joe Kleen.
  4. Launch the Background Check Request Tool.
  5. Select the contacts.
  6. Set the Background Check type.
  7. Set the ministry.
  8. Create the Background Check Request.
  9. Read the Certification of Use Terms.
  10. Click Complete.
    You should receive an acknowledgment that you submitted it successfully.
  11. Confirm there is a record on the Background Checks page.
  12. Once you receive the email requests, click the link and enter each Contact's fictional information:
    • Hank (any middle initial) Mess, SSN: 333-22-1111; any date of birth, and any address.
    • Joe (any middle initial) Kleen, SSN: 111-22-3333; any date of birth, and any address.
  13. Complete the BIS process, and submit the report.
  14. Confirm the results are entered in the Background Checks page.
If you need help setting up this integration, contact Support.