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Manage Scheduled Reports

You can delete any scheduled runs that are no longer needed. Select the report(s) in the grid, click Delete Selected Items, then click Yes to confirm. Just be careful not to delete any reports with "old dates" that are scheduled to repeat.

If a report completed, but you need to use a different setup or selections, you don't have to delete it and add another. You can edit it by clearing the Completed checkbox. Then, make any necessary changes and save it. The report will run again that night with your changes. This will overwrite the existing file as expected.

If a report is still running when you log in, you'll see a message when you go to the Schedule Reports window. If you suspect the report got hung up on something like a selections issue, click Yes to stop it. The report will not be saved. Check your setup and selections for issues before rescheduling the report.

If you change a scheduled report in any way (for example, add new fields to a listing report), you must update the report to see your changes. Select the report(s) in the grid, and click Update Selected Items. This will update the backend next time the report runs.