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Add Easy Reports

The program has many predefined reports to select from. However, if you can't find or modify one to suit your needs, create a new report. These are called Easy Reports.

  1. In the reports list, click Add.
  2. Click the type of report you want to create.
  3. Enter a name and description that's meaningful to you.
  4. If needed, select the level of access others can have to this report.
  5. Select where to save the report, then click Build.
  6. For some reports (like lists and exports), the List of Fields to Print dialog box displays where you can define which fields to include in your report. For other reports (like letters, labels, and envelopes), the Editing window displays where you can define the content of your correspondence. When you're finished, save your changes.
  7. Click Next, and follow the Reports wizard to define and customize your report.

Organize Easy Reports

You can reorder Easy Reports and create subgroups to further organize your reports.

  1. In the reports list, expand the Easy Reports group heading.
  2. Click Manage User Sections/Reports.
  3. Click the report you want to relocate, then click the up or down button to move it in the list.
  4. If needed, you can rename a report.
  5. To create a new report section, click Add a Section Name, and enter a name.
  6. Click Save/OK.

Make or Delete a Sample Report

A sample report displays in the preview window for all predefined reports. This helps people know what the report looks like before they run it. You can make or delete samples for reports you create as well.

  1. In the reports list, expand the Easy Reports or User Reports group heading.
  2. Select the relevant report, then click the preview on the right.
  3. In the Report Preview window, make or delete a sample:
    • If there is not currently a sample and you want to add one, click Make Sample.
    • If there is currently a sample and you want to remove it, click Del. Sample.
  4. Click Close.

If you made a sample, it displays when you select the report in the reports list. If you deleted the existing sample, you'll see "Click here to Preview Sample" instead.

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