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Sermons and Notes

Information on Sermons and Sermon Notes, and some tips for getting the most out of Sermon Notes.

After your foundational sermon information has been added, you're ready to add specific sermon information to your app. Adding sermons to your app is a great way to keep your congregation connected no matter where they are. And letting them take sermon notes right in the app? That's a win-win.

Sermon Notes

Your users can take sermon notes – right in the PocketPlatform app! Using Custom Forms, you have a simple and effective way to help your users remember the important parts of a sermon or other message. This also provides the flexibility to add a placeholder for your sermon before it occurs so that users can take notes during the actual event.

Sermon Notes Best Practices

  • You can use basic HTML in the Alternate Field Label box when creating your fields. But any HTML that is not supported will be stripped by PocketPlatform.
  • Name your sermon notes form something that is related to the sermon. You get to do church your way, but here are some ideas for a hypothetical Sermon Series called "Church Matters". The Sermon is called "The Purpose of the Church" and the Sermon date is 21 July 2023.
    • Church Matters: The Purpose of the Church
    • Notes: The Purpose of the Church
    • Sermon Notes for 21 July 2023
    • Notes 21/07/2023

Add a Sermon

  1. Go to PocketPlatform > Sermon.
  2. Click New Sermon.
  3. Add the following:
    1. Series – Select the series that this sermon belongs to.
    2. Congregation – The Congregation this sermon is from.
    3. PocketPlatform Service Type – The type of service this was. You might only have one of your Worship Service, but you might also have one for special events or a guest series.
    4. Title – The sermon title.
    5. Subtitle – An additional description for the sermon.
    6. Description – A detailed description of the sermon.
    7. Sermon Date – The date the sermon was preached.
    8. Sermon Speaker – The person who gave the sermon.
    9. Scripture Links – The relevant scripture for the sermon. These display when app users tap the Passages button in the Sermon detail.
    10. Position – Display order for the sermon.
      Note: If you don't enter a value for Position, the sermons sort by Sermon ID in descending order.
    11. Status – "Hidden", "Draft", or "Published".
    12. Notes Form – Link to a custom form for this sermon to be used as interactive sermon notes. This displays when app users tap the Notes button in the Sermon detail.
  4. Click Save.

Create a Sermon Notes Form

We recommend you create a new notes form for each sermon. That way, app users can start fresh each week!

  1. Go to Custom Forms > Form.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Custom Form Editor. Or, create a New Form.
  3. Create your sermon notes form.
  4. Click Save.