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Pledge Campaign Fields

A list of the various terms and definitions for Pledge Campaign fields.

Campaign Name
The full name of the campaign that will display to individuals on reports or web pages.
A shortened version of the name for space-constrained reports and forms.
Campaign Type
The name of the Pledge Campaign type.
Explanation of Pledge Campaign.
Campaign Goal
The total number of money the Campaign is set to raise.
Start Date
The date the Campaign starts. If the Start Date in the future, Pledges that calculate from that date. If in the past, Pledges calculate from today's date.
End Date
The date the Campaign will stop accepting Pledges.
Link this pledge campaign to an event that will be assigned to all donations that need to be matched to a pledge to this campaign.
If this is a missions trip Campaign, this Program will be credited by default.
Registration Start
The date registration for this pledge campaign can begin online.
Registration End
The date after which individuals can no longer register for this event online.
Maximum Registrants
The largest number of people who can pledge for this mission trip campaign.
Registration Deposit
The amount of money individuals who register themselves online will have to donate to this campaign to secure a place on this mission trip.
Fundraising Goal
The total amount, including the registration deposit, that each individual must raise.
Registration Form
A Custom Form allowing the church to capture additional information about the person when they register for a mission trip.
Allow Online Pledge
Set to Yes to show this Campaign in the Make a Pledge Widget.
Online Thank You Message
Enter the message to display after someone creates a pledge in the Make a Pledge Widget.
Pledge Beyond End Date
Set to Yes to allow someone to set their Pledge End Date exceeds the Pledge Campaign End Date in the Make a Pledge Widget.
Show On My Pledges
Set to Yes to show this Campaign in the My Pledges.
Auto Create Pledge
Set to Yes to create and assign a pledge to the donation distribution if the donor makes a donation to a program but does not yet have a Pledge record for the corresponding pledge campaign. The pledge campaign must be assigned to the program that the donor has given to. This is updated nightly as part of the Data Quality routine.

For example, a donor gives to a program. There is a check to see if a pledge campaign has been assigned to that program. If so, there is a check to see if the donor already has a pledge for that campaign. If they do not, there is a check to see if Auto Create Pledges is set to Yes. If so, a new Pledge record is created for the donor under that campaign.

Auto Increase Total
Set to Yes to automatically increase the Pledge Total to match the sum of the donations assigned to it. This only occurs in instances where the sum of all applied donation distributions has exceeded the value currently defined for the Pledge Total. This is updated nightly as part of the Data Quality routine.
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