Pledge Campaign Reporting
Learn the various options for pledge campaign reports.
Option 1: Use a System Report
- Campaign Dashboard
- Summaries showing giving by payment type and by program to the campaign. Includes donations made towards a campaign program that were not credited to any pledge.
- Campaign Donation List
- Lists all donations made to the campaign by pledge. Provides a summary of donations to the campaign.
- Campaign Pledge Dashboard
- Summaries based upon whether pledges are ahead, completed, or behind.
- Campaign Pledge List
- Lists the pledges associated with a specific campaign. Pledge Due refers to how much a pledger "should" have given up to this point based on their installment details.
- Campaign Projection
- Review projected pledges and actual giving for the duration of the campaign. Note: Unbatched donations do not display in this report.
- Selected Campaign Donor Summary
- Provides a list of each donor and their participation in the campaign. Sum totals are provided where appropriate. Note: Unbatched donations do not display in this report.
- Selected Campaign Summary
- Provides an overview of the campaign goal totals and pledge totals.
- Selected Pledge Donation List
- Shows the specific donations credited to selected pledge records. (Pledges page).
Option 2: Export Data with the Selected Campaign Donor Summary Export Report
Select your pledge campaign on the Pledge Campaigns page, then run the Selected Campaign Donor Summary Export report. This report provides one row per donor participating in the campaign. It includes mail merge data. You can include donors even if they do not have a pledge but have given towards programs that are associated with the pledge campaign. Donors whose donations were credited to another person's pledge will also be included. You may export the results of this report to Excel for further analysis or mail merging.
Option 3: Export Data with a View on the Donations Distribution Page
This option provides raw data. Be sure to include any fields you want to use as your criteria. The pledge on the donation distribution record was assigned to the pledge campaign you want to report on. This extracts all donation distributions that went to a pledge in your campaign. Any unpledged donations are not exported. To get a more comprehensive list, you may need to export any distribution to one of your pledge campaign programs.