Onboarding Integrations Checklist
Ready to start working in MinistryPlatform? We're glad you're eager! But first, you'll want to make sure your setup is complete. Review the following items and integrations to ensure you're really ready to get started.
Do users need to send emails from the Platform? Enable emailing with SendGrid.
Review the SendGrid article for an overview. Then, decide the type of setup you need.
- Create a SendGrid account. (See SendGrid's Pricing and Plans.)
- Dedicated IP is recommended for best deliverability.
- Generate an API key, and send it to us when requested.
- Verify your email domain.
- Configure the endpoint:
- Update the Domain record in the Platform.
- Create a Webhook in the Platform.
- Enter the Webhook in SendGrid.
- We will set up the account, create the API key, and configure the endpoint.
- You can take control of the SendGrid account.
- Set up two-factor authentication.
- Verify your email domain.
- Verify your email domain.
- Add your email domain to the Platform.
Check to See If It's Working
- Select a Contact record with an email address that you have access to.
- From the Actions menu, select Message.
- Compose and send the email.
- Check if you received the email at the selected email address.
- SendGrid shows delivery status data if you need additional assistance with troubleshooting.
- Open a Message record in the Platform.
- Check the Action Status field on the Recipient records.
Do users need to send text messages from the Platform? Enable texting with Twilio.
- Create a Twilio account. (See the Twilio SMS Pricing page. Ask about non-profit pricing!)
- Purchase a phone number through Twilio.
- Update the Domain record in the Platform.
- Add Outbound SMS Numbers to the Platform.
- Create security roles for text messaging, and assign users.
- You can register for an A2P (Application to Person) Campaign in Twilio to ensure messages are compliant.
Check to See If It's Working
Do text messages send successfully?
- Select a Contact record with a mobile phone number that you have access to.
- From the Actions menu, select Message.
- Select Text Message at the top.
- Compose and send the text.
- Check if you received the text at the selected mobile phone number.
Twilio shows information about text messages if you need additional assistance with troubleshooting.
If an individual opts out (for example, replies STOP), text messages will not deliver, and the Do Not Text field on their Contact record will set to Yes.
If an individual opts in (for example, replies START), text messages will deliver, and the Do Not Text field on their Contact record will set to No.
Melissa Data SmartMover
Should you validate addresses entered in the Platform? Enable address validation with Melissa Data SmartMover.
- Contact Melissa Data SmartMover to set up an account. This is typically done by email. (See the Melissa Data SmartMover Pricing page.)
- Update the Domain record in the Platform.
Check to See If It's Working
- In the navigation menu, click .
- Check if addresses validate to USPS standards.
- The Validated field should be set to Yes.
- Postal Codes should have the additional four digits at the end.
Google Maps
Should users see maps for record insights and widgets? Do you want to allow addresses to auto-fill in the Add/Edit Family tool? Enable mapping and address auto-fill with Google Maps.
- Create a Google Console account.
- Enable APIs.
- Configure MinistryPlatform URLs in Google Console, including:
- MinistryPlatform URL
- Cloud URL
- Widget URL (for example, church website)
- Copy the API key.
- Add the API key to the applicable Configuration Setting in the Platform.
- Add the API key to the Domain record in the Platform.
Check to See If It's Working
- Launch the Add/Edit Family tool.
- Begin typing a valid address in the Address field. It should auto-fill the remainder of the address.
- Open a Contact record.
- Check the Household Map record insight. A map should display for a valid address.
Do Widgets display maps where appropriate?
Mapping (Azure or Bing)
Could it be useful to have latitude or longitude, driving distance, and driving time to addresses? Enable CloudServices geocoding and distance and drive time utilities with Azure. If you have an existing Bing account, you can still use it until your license expires, then you'll want to switch to Azure.
- Make sure you have an existing Bing account, or create a new account with Azure.
- Create an Azure Maps account resource, and copy the Primary Key.
- Add the API key to the applicable Configuration Setting in the Platform.
- Contact Support to install and enable the CloudServices utilities you want. Note: CloudServices applications have a monthly fee, which includes installation and support. For pricing, call 1-800-736-7425.
Check to See If It's Working
Do Address records update with Latitude and Longitude?
Do Household/Family records show Driving Distance and Driving Time?
Background Checks
Do you have staff and volunteers working with children and youth? Enable an integration with one of our background check providers.
- Create an account with one of the background check providers we integrate with.
- View the instructions related to your background check provider.
Check to See If It's Working
Can you launch the Background Check Request tool from a Contact record without any errors?
Does the system create Background Check records? To check, go to
.Online Giving
Do you allow people to give donations online? Enable an integration with one or our online giving providers.
- Create an account with one of the online giving providers we integrate with.
- Check out the instructions related to your online giving provider.
Check to See If It's Working
Does the system create Donor and Donation records?
Financial Exports
Do you need to export financial data into your accounting system? Enable financial exports from MinistryPlatform.
- Check out the instructions related to your financial system.
- Update the Bank record with the account number.
- You may also need to update Program records with the account number.
Check to See If It's Working
Can you upload financial information into your accounting system?
Bank File Exports
Do you need to export files containing Batch and Donation details for use with your bank? Enable bank file exports from MinistryPlatform.
- If you want to use an X937 file, see X937 File Setup and complete all the necessary steps.
- Export the batch from the Batch Manager Tool.
- In the Bank Settings drop-down list, select the appropriate file settings to use.
- Upload the file to your bank per your bank's protocol.
Check to See If It's Working
Once exported, do you see an Export Summary that shows the batch count and sum?